Developer Application Program Versions Phone Number
--------- ------------------- -------- ------------
MacroMind, Inc. Director 2.0.1 415-442-0200
MacroMind, Inc. Player 2.0.1 415-442-0200
MacroMind, Inc. MediaMaker 1.0 415-442-0200
Maxis SimCity Supreme (color) 1.2c 415-376-6434
Maxis SimEarth B & W 1.0 415-376-6434
Maxis SimEarth Color 1.0c 415-376-6434
MECC NumberMunchers 1.0 612-481-3660
MECC WordMunchers 1.0 612-481-3660
Microsoft Corporation Excel 2.2a 206-454-2030
Microsoft Corporation File 2.0a 206-454-2030
Microsoft Corporation Mail 2.0 206-454-2030
Microsoft Corporation Powerpoint 2.01 206-454-2030
Microsoft Corporation QuickBASIC 1.00b 206-454-2030
Microsoft Corporation Word 4.0a,b,c 206-454-2030
Microsoft Corporation Works 2.0d 206-454-2030
Oracle Oracle for 4D 1.1 800-672-2531
Oracle Oracle for Macintosh 1.2 800-672-2531
Scholastic Algebra Shop 1.0 800-541-5513
Scholastic Hidden Agenda 1.0 800-541-5513
Scholastic Interactive NOVA:
Animal Pathfinders 1.0 800-541-5513
Scholastic Math Shop (series) 1.0 800-541-5513
Scholastic Point of View: Civil
War & Reconstruction 1.1 800-541-5513
Scholastic Point of View: Overview
of American History 1.1 800-541-5513
Scholastic Scholastic AI 1.0 800-541-5513
Scholastic Springboard Publisher
II 1.0 800-541-5513
Scholastic Success with Writing 1.0 800-541-5513
Softsync/BLOC Accountant, Inc.
Professional 1.0.5, 2.0 800-933-2537
SuperMac Technology DiskFit 1.5.1 and above
SuperMac Technology Network DiskFit 1.5.1 and above
SuperMac Technology PixelPaint Professional 2.0 408-245-2202
SuperMac Technology Sentinel 2.2 408-245-2202
Symantec Corporation MORE 3.0 Î800-441-7234
Symantec Corporation THINK C 4.02 Î800-441-7234
Symantec Corporation THINK Pascal 3.01 Î800-441-7234
Symantec Corp. SmartWorks 1.0 904-464-0016
Symmetry Software Corp. Acta Advantage 1.02 and above
Symmetry Software Corp. atOnce! 1.10 800-624-2485
Symmetry Software Corp. HyperDA 1.2.3 800-624-2485
Symmetry Software Corp. KeyPlan 1.02 and above
Symmetry Software Corp. PictureBase 1.2.3 800-624-2485
T/Maker Company WriteNow 2.2 415-962-0195
Wings For Learning Blockers and Finders 1.0 800-321-7511
Wings For Learning Physics Explorer:
Gravity 1.0 800-321-7511
Wings For Learning Physics Explorer:
Harmonic Motion 1.0 800-321-7511
Wolfram Research Mathematica Standard 1.2.2 217-398-6500
WordPerfect Corporation WordPerfect for the
Macintosh 2.0 800-451-5151
This partial list of third parties and third-party products is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation by Apple Computer, Inc.
All product specifications and descriptions were supplied by the products' vendors or suppliers. Apple Computer, Inc., has no information about the testing procedures and compatibility verification conducted by the products' vendors and suppliers.
Apple Computer, Inc., assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance, or use of these products or the actions of the vendors. All understandings, agreements, or warranties with respect to the software in this list, if any, take place directly between the vendors and the prospective users. Apple Computer, Inc., makes no warranties as to the completeness or accuracy of this list.
Article Change History:
10 Feb 1995 - Formatting updated and removed 3pty keyword.
15 Jan 1993 - Updated Vendor names.
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