DAL Access: Not Supported by Teradata Database

I have a Teradata Database Server (Model 1012) attached to an IBM Host Environment running VM/CMS.

I've been involved in a few VAX VMS DAL installations, but never one on the IBM side. What pieces are needed for the Macintoshes to be able to access the Teradata DBMS through the IBM Host?

My guess is:

* A Macintosh Client DAL Application or DA (ClearAccess, WingZ, HyperCard, and so on).

* On the Host, DAL for VM/CMS.

* A product called EQT.

* 3270 support on the workstation (IRMA, Avatar, Tri-Data, and so on).

* Correct 3270 API to support the hardware used.

That's where I am confused. EQT lets you do SQL queries through DAL on an IBM Host. Because Teradata is not one of the "supported" databases (Ingres, Informix, Sybase, and so on), it requires its own adapter. Is this correct?

If I go with the EQT Product, do I even need DAL on the Host? If EQT supports DAL, can I use products like WingZ to access?
Before we answer your questions, let's look at what EQT does:

EQT (Executive Query Tool) is a Query Tool developed by Red Brick Systems. It provides point-and-click access to relational databases, regardless of workstation platform, the database server, or the server hardware. It runs on Macintosh and DOS Windows. Future releases will run on OS/2 Presentation Manager, and on UNIX workstations. It can retrieve data from Teradata, Oracle, Ingres, Sybase, DB2, Informix, and Rdb databases.

EQT for CL/1 is an old name for an announced product called Claris Query Tool which uses three mechanism to access databases: Data Access Language (DAL from Network Innovations), DB Library (Sybase), and SQL-Net (Oracle). Claris Query Tool will be shipped in 1991 but will not be able to access Teradata database machines. For more information about Claris Query Tool, contact Claris.

Red Brick Systems retains the right to market and support EQT for the Teradata Systems. For more information, contact Red Brick.

Claris Query Tool uses DAL as one of its mechanism to access databases. You have to use the EQT version from Red Brick Systems to access the Teradata databases. Red Brick uses Teradata's access mechanism.

EQT is a Query Tool to access databases. To our knowledge, you cannot use WingZ to access the Teradata database directly, because Teradata does not support the DAL access. You can, however, access the database using Red Brick's EQT and import the data (cut and paste) into the spreadsheet.

As of release 1.3 DAL supported access to Teradata's DBC/1012 DBMS but only under an MVS operating system.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012