How to Remove AppleShare PC Code from PC Memory

I am running AppleShare PC (2.01). Currently, WordPerfect runs on the PC
(with 512K RAM) until I start AppleShare using ABOTH. After checking
E-mail, which is the main reason I use AppleShare PC, I type AOFF to kill
AppleShare, but WordPerfect no longer has enough room to fully execute.
Only a warm reboot with Control-Alt-Del frees up the memory. Is there any
way (short of rebooting) I can free ALL memory after typing AOFF?

There is a way to remove all AppleShare PC code without rebooting. It
requires the use of mark/release utilities. This kind of program is used
to mark a position in memory so that TSR programs and drivers loaded later,
like AppleShare PC, can be removed with the companion release program.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012