It sounds like you need to increase the AppleShare PC memory pool. At boot
time, AppleShare PC sets aside an amount of memory for protocol stacks and
connections to file and print servers. Each printer connection consumes
7K, so it is easy to exceed the default memory-pool size if you make more
than one connection.
The amount of memory that AppleShare PC allocates is defined in the NET.CFG
file, generally located in the directory with the other AppleShare PC
files. The important line will be near the top of the file and should look
something like this:
Use EDLIN, or (preferably) a text editor you like, to increase the number.
First, try making it 7K larger than its current setting. Save the changed
file and reboot. The extra memory allocated should let you make the
printer connection. Note that this additional memory will be taken from
your available conventional memory, so it should not be larger than needed.
You may want to make sure you're not making unnecessary connections to
printers that aren't being used. A leftover automatic connection may be
using up your default memory pool when you don't need it. If possible, use
the DA to "Review Auto-Connections" and remove those you don't use.