A/UX: YP and MacTCP Tool Problem (9/94)

I am using A/UX with Yellow Pages in an all-Sun environment to maintain my home directory on a remote Sun server. When I launch MacX, I get the message that "Connection Tool Cannot be Found". Thinking that the connection tool needs to be in the Extensions Folder within the Macintosh System Folder on the Home directory (on the remote Sun server), I ran "Systemfolder" from the command line. Upon logging off and back on, I was unable to complete the YPbind process.

I conclude that Macintosh System Folders are illegal on a Sun file system, or that YPbind cannot reconcile the Macintosh system resources with the home directory. In any case, I cannot think of any way to have MacX use the communications tool (MacTCP) from Root, or from any other local users.

When executing a "systemfolder" command to create a personal System Folder under the user's home directory, it creates a "System Folder" under the user's home directory, copies files from /mac/lib/SystemFiles directory but not from the default /mac/sys/'System Folder' directory. The communication tools, which were stored in the /mac/sys/'System Folder'/Extensions directory, are not copied to the user's newly-created Extensions folder.

For users with their home directory on the remote YP and/or NFS server to launch MacX successfully, the MacTCP Tool must be manually copied into their own Communication Folder under the user's $home/'System Folder' directory. Otherwise, MacX complains with the following message:

An unexpected error has occurred: The Macintosh Communication Toolbox
could not be initialized because there are no communication tools

We have tested launching MacX in one A/UX without any problem from an account whose home directory resides (via nfs mount) in another A/UX YP and NFS server. We do not think there is a problem between Macintosh System Folders and Sun YP and NFS file system.

Regarding being unable to complete the YPbind process, was there any message indicating that you were unable to complete the YPbind process? Was the YPserv (YP server) running before YPbind (YP client) was started? We do not think that your problem (launching MacX) has anything to do with the YPbind or YPserver, unless the YP server and client were not up and running.

Try to copy the MacTCP Tool manually into the user's System Folder/Extensions folder, logout and login, then launch MacX again.

Article Change History:
2 Sept 1994 - Reviewed. Updated for A/UX 3.0.
31 Aug 1992 - REVIEWED for technical accuracy.

Support Information Services

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012