A/UX: AppleTalk Phase 2 and Ethernet Card Compatibility (8/94)

My group is having problems with third-party NuBus Ethernet cards and Phase 2 networks running on Macintosh II-class machines with A/UX 2.0. Is there a compatibility list of which cards support Phase 2 AppleTalk protocol? Is Apple's card fully compatible with EtherTalk 2.0 drivers using A/UX 2.0?

We don't have a compatibility list of third-party Ethernet cards which support or don't support the AppleTalk Phase 2 protocols. Apple has left it to the developers to decide whether to write and implement a Phase 2 complaint driver for their cards. There is no conformity testing for third-party cards. This makes it difficult to compile a list of cards with known compatibility problems. We would suggest working closely with the manufacturer to ensure that any bugs in their drivers can be discovered and repaired.

The Apple Ethernet NB card is fully compatible with Phase 2 protocols when running under all versions of A/UX.

Article Change History:
26 Aug 1994 - Updated and reviewed.

Support Information Services

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012