AppleTalk Traffic When Launching Local Application

I have a problem for which I have no explanation. If I have one or more
file server volumes mounted (but none of the directory windows are open),
and I try to launch a local file with a local application, there is a delay
of several seconds during which the AppleTalk traffic indicators blink.

This delay does not always occur and its occurrence does not appear to be
tied to any specific condition on the Macintosh. I don't understand why
there should be any AppleTalk traffic when launching a local application.

Any time an application is launched, all of the information about any
changes that have taken place on any currently-mounted volumes needs to be
written out. This is done by flushing each of the mounted volumes. This
operation normally happens very quickly. However, updating volumes over a
network can sometimes take time if the network is busy. This is not
something that AppleTalk or AppleShare takes care of, but a job that the
Finder does.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012