ImageWriter Emulator: Requires EOF Character

We are having difficulty printing to a LaserWriter using an Apple IIGS and
the ImageWriter emulator.

The school system for which I work is using DB Master Professional from
Stone Edge Technologies and is trying to print out reports to an Apple
LaserWriter using the ImageWriter Emulator. My original problem was that I
could get one copy to print out, but when I tried printing again, all I
would get was blank paper.

I think the problem may be is with the EOF character. Does the LaserWriter
require and EOF character? If so, does the ImageWriter Emulator supply the
EOF character, or is that the responsibility of the software package?

The LaserWriter requires an EOF character (in this case Form Feed, ASCII
12). The ImageWriter Emulator does not supply this character; it must be
supplied by the application doing the printing. Stone Edge should be able
to help you configure the software to do this.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012