Macintosh: Printing to DEC ScriptPrinter LN03R

Do you know of a way to print from a Macintosh to a LN03R? I have a driver
that supports modem communication, but I need something that supports a
direct serial connection.

To our knowledge, there is no driver that lets a Macintosh print directly
to the Digital ScriptPrinter LN03R. One alternative is to print to a disk
file from the application and then send the file to the printer using a
terminal emulation program. With the correct cable, you can communicate to
the printer using a terminal emulation program like MacTerminal over the
serial port. Needless to say, this is not very convenient.

Another alternative is to use the printer on the network:

* DEC LanWORKS for Macintosh offers this capability. The service is
called VAXshare Print Server, and it supports Digital's LPS20,
LPS40, ScriptPrinter LN03R, and Apple's LaserWriter, LaserWriter Plus,
LaserWriter IINT, and LaserWriter IINTX.

* With Alisa Digital Printer Support System (ADP), an option for
AlisaTalk for VAX/VMS, Macintosh users can print to Digital PostScript
devices like the LN03R ScriptPrinter and the PrintServer 40. The
Digital PostScript device looks like an Apple LaserWriter to the
Macintosh user.

ADP makes use of VMS system queuing and printing. Features include
forms and paper type control, optional job flag and trailer pages for
job identification, paper tray selection, and support for the Adobe
system typeface pack. Once VMS receiver process handles all Macintosh
users, a new process for each job is not necessary. The software uses
standard Digital Print symbionts and automatically loads the Laser Prep
dictionary at the front of each Macintosh job that is submitted.

* PacerPrint from Pacer Software, Inc., offers similar features. For
more information on Alisa Digital Printer support system or PacerPrint,
search the Technical Info Library using keyword "Alisa" or "PACER."

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012