Novell Token Ring Network: Access from Macintosh

Can I access Novell Token Ring network and its server using the existing
Apple Token Ring card and also Netware for Macintosh?

The Novell TokenTalk support is orderable and was delivered in September
1990. This is a new version of VAP (Value-Added Process) that supports AFP
(Apple Filing Protocol) 2.0 and TokenTalk.

All Netware operating systems provide an internal router that lets a
Netware server connect to four different networks. No additional software
is required. Note that the routing service can also be moved out of the
server and into a non-dedicated workstation.

Macintosh, DOS, and OS/2 workstations can share data and resources.
Macintosh users should see information stored on the network server as
icons. Other workstations on the network (PCs running DOS, OS/2, or
Windows/386) should see the folders and file icons from the Macintosh
listed as directories and subdirectories in their workstation formats.

DOS, OS/2, and Macintosh users can share Apple LaserWriters and other Apple
printers. Using an E-mail package that supports Netware Message Handling
Service (MHS), the back-end store-and-forward messaging server, you can
send E-mail messages, text, data, and binary files between different LANs
and between wide-area networks.

For contact information, search the Technical Info library under "Novell"
and the Enhancement Products Division of the Netware Products Division.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012