This is what we learned from Novell: Any software incompatibilities would
reveal problems between the driver and the operating system. The card
itself would not be the cause of a software conflict.
If the driver installer disk has an old System folder, boot from the System
Tools disk, then put in the EtherPort Installer disk and run the Installer
as you would normally. You'll have to do some disk swapping, but it should
work. Past the OS question, there should be no other software problems.
Because the Macintosh IIsi is rather new, we have not been able to verify
that there are NO incompatibilities. When Shiva Corporation bought the
EtherPort line of Macintosh-to-Ethernet interface boards from Novell, Inc.
(in December 1990), they made a commitment to support the EtherPort and
driver with all of the appropriate Macintosh computers. So, in the future,
they might be able to provide more detailed information on the
compatibility issues concerning the newer Macintoshes.
My guess is that Shiva is making a very safe statement saying that because
the EtherPort II has not been thoroughly tested with the Macintosh IIsi or
the Macintosh LC, they cannot (and neither can we) say the card will work
with those computers. So, at this point customers just have to try the
combination to see if it works. Probably they are also saying that if some
problem is found, they will release new hardware and/or software to provide