System 7: Using Publish and Subscribe

Article Change History
09/22/92 - REVIEWED
* For technical accuracy.

How does Publish and Subscribe work?

Publish and Subscribe work only with applications that have been revised
to take advantage of this feature in System 7.

To use Publish and Subscribe, follow these steps:

1) Select some data you want to place in another application or document as
a "live" copy.

2) From the Edit menu, select "Create Publisher". This brings up a
dialog box asking you to name the Edition file that will connect the
Publisher to the other documents subscribing to this data.

3) After you have created the Edition file, go to the document or
application where you want to use this data and select "Subscribe
To..." from the Edit menu.

This places a live copy of the data in your document. From this point on,
whenever you modify the original publisher data, the Subscriber is
automatically updated, too.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012