The two principal kinds of units are called "Regular" and "Intrinsic".
NOTE: You are not afforded the capability of having separate units in Apple Pascal.
Regular Units:
When a host program "uses" a regular unit, the Linker physically inserts the unit's code into the host's codefile. Once linked, the files don't need to be relinked until either the unit or the host program is modified and recompiled.
Regular units, since they become part of the host file, may have references to file names. A regular unit may use an intrinsic unit or another regular unit.
NOTE: Regular units in version 1.0 of the Apple Pascal system are unable to use intrinsic units.
Install your Regular units in SYSTEM.LIBRARY or in any other library file. Once installed in an alternate library, the Uses statement should include the compiler option $U <library name> before the unit name.
Intrinsic Units:
An intrinsic unit is pre-linked--that is, it contains sufficient information to allow the host program to use it without invoking the Linker. The code for an intrinsic unit remains in the SYSTEM.LIBRARY and is loaded into memory before the host program begins its actual execution. This keeps the size of the host program down; it also allows you to modify and recompile the unit and host program individually without relinking them.
Intrinsic units must be installed in SYSTEM.LIBRARY. Intrinsic units may use other intrinsic units; they may NOT, however, use a regular unit.
NOTE: Intrinsic units may not reference files, such as data files, in Pascal version 1.0.
Assembly Routines as part of Units:
Assembly language routines may be placed into library units. With intrinsic units, the unit is compiled, the machine language routines are assembled, and then the assembled code is linked to the unit prior to installation of the unit into SYSTEM.LIBRARY.
Regular units may also contain machine language routines; however, these routines are not linked to the unit before it's installed in the library. Instead, the host program, the unit and the assembly routines are linked together at the same time.
Additional Notes on the Construction of a Unit:
Any unit which does not contain at least one procedure in the Interface section cannot have an Implementation section. In such a case, however, do include the initialization section--that is, the BEGIN and END.
Procedures listed in the Interface section are "public" to the host program as well as to the unit. Procedures listed only in the Implementation section cannot be accessed by the calling program; such procedures are called "private." When procedures are not listed publicly, they cannot be called from the host; furthermore, the Implementation section is not allowed.
Any intrinsic unit containing a global variable, either public ones (defined in the Interface) or private ones (defined in the Implementation), must have a data segment. If there is no data segment, a system error will occur.
General Format of Units:
The following example is designed to illustrate the general structure of a unit. The line numbers at the left of the page are for reference: they are NOT part of the actual structure.
1: (*$S+*)
2: UNIT < name >; INTRINSIC CODE xx DATA yy; (* DATA yy is used only if a data segment is required. *)
4: USES < name of unit to be used >;
CONST < definitions >;
YPE < definitions >;
5: VAR < definitions >;
6: PROCEDURE ONE (I:Integer);
PROCEDURE TWO (I:Integer); (* External procedure *)
FUNCTION THREE (I:Integer) : Integer;
FUNCTION FOUR (I:Integer) : Integer; (* External function *)
8: CONST < definitions >;
TYPE < definitions >;
9: VAR < definitions >;
(* initialization section *)
1: The swapping option is required when compiling ANY unit, regardless of its size. Omitting this option is the most common cause of compiler failures when working with units. The option should be the first line of text, preceding the UNIT header and any other compiler option.
2: The word INTRINSIC is required if the unit is to be intrinsic. DATA is optional, used only if a data segment is necessary (see #5 below). Regular units use only the UNIT < name > portion of this line.
3: INTERFACE is required. It defines the start of this section, which must contain some entries. (A totally empty INTERFACE section is not allowed.) This section contains the information which is public to both the host program and the unit (and visible from the LIBMAP program).
4: These entries are optional. If used, they are public (see #3). If a nested unit is used, it MUST be declared at this point, and the host program must also declare it in its USES statement before declaring this unit. (See pages 75-81 in the Pascal Language Reference Manual.)
5: VARs are also optional. If VARs are used in an intrinsic unit, a DATA segment MUST be declared, since these are global variables.
6: These are the public statements of the unit's procedures and functions. All parameters MUST be declared in this section, and must not appear in the IMPLEMENTATION. EXTERNAL may not be specified at this point (see #10).
7: IMPLEMENTATION is required. This section contains the code-generating statements and any private types or variables to be declared. If an item is declared in this section only, it is local to the unit and cannot be accessed from the host program directly; it is also not visible to LIBMAP.
8: CONST and TYPE definitions are optional. If included at this point, they are private and will not be visible to the calling program.
9: VARs are optional, and are private if defined at this point. A DATA segment is required if global VARs are specified in the IMPLEMENTATION section of an intrinsic unit, even though they are private.
10: These are the actual code-generating procedures. Procedures and functions already declared in the INTERFACE section need not have parameters listed here, since that would be redundant. EXTERNAL references are specified at this time.
11: This is the initialization section. Code in this portion is optional, but the BEGIN and END statements must always be present. The final END statement must be followed by a "." to indicate the end of the text. Code placed in the initialization section will be executed immediately upon access to the unit (through the USES statement in the host program), and ignored thereafter. An example of this is Turtlegraphics, where the initialization code is responsible for allocating the high-res page so that variables will not be lost.