The Macintosh has always been the platform for unique and innovative
applications--and this extends to the database world. Products like 4th
Dimension (ACI), Omnis 5 (Blyth), Foxbase+/Mac (Microsoft Corp.) and Double
Helix (Odesta) provide Macintosh users with state-of-the-art data
management and application-development capability. In addition, all the
major cross-platform, corporate-database, and application-tool vendors have
also endorsed the Macintosh and delivered both client and server products,
including ORACLE for Macintosh, ORACLE Server for A/UX (Oracle), Informix
SE for A/UX (Informix), and Ingres Server for A/UX (The Ask Group, Inc./
Ingres Products).
Apple intends to continue to provide all the elements needed to make the
Macintosh a complete platform for stand-alone and client/server database
applications. Toward this end, Apple has announced various products,
targeted at making the Macintosh the ideal database client platform. The
Data Access Manager and the Data Access Language (DAL) client software
included with System 7.0 further reinforce this position
These two products mean that Macintosh application developers can write
their applications once and use the same applications to transparently
access data in local or remote locations. With this infrastructure in
place, Apple is working closely with third parties to provide its customers
and developers with the database tools needed to implement mission-critical
applications. To complete the database story, Apple and third parties are
working together to make the Macintosh an equally strong platform for
server applications.
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Article Change History:
23 July 1993 - Company title updated from Ingres to The Ask Group, Inc./Ingres
12 February 1993 - Updated, vendor information.
29 June 1992 - Reviewed, for accuracy.