This patch is obsolete; please see the OPENSTEP Current Patch List, TIL article 70033, for information on the most current patches for OPENSTEP and Enterprise Objects Framework. This patch contained a number of important bug fixes, including corrections for some Year 2000 problems and improved support for the Euro currency symbol.
Installing OPENSTEP 4.2 Enterprise Patch 2 on Windows NT 4.0
1. Download the Windows NT version of the patch from Apple's FTP site at The file is located at:
Also download the installer script, "" from:
2. Log in as a user with Administrator privileges.
3. Open a Bourne shell. The Bourne shell should be available from your Start menu, under the WebObjects program group, or under your Apple root directory at Demos\\sh.exe.
4. Change to the directory containing the patch and the patch installer, "".
5. Type the following at the shell prompt (make sure that there are no EOF applications running first): -install 4.2NT_Patch2.TAR.gz
For more information on using the program, type the following at the command prompt: -help
6. Reboot your Windows NT system
Problems Fixed
Corrected in OPENSTEP 4.2 Enterprise Patch 2 for Windows NT
No Euro glyph support in OPENSTEP rulebooks
Apple reference # 2265773
The AppKit rulebooks did not support the Euro currency character.
The AppKit rulebooks have been updated to provide support for the Euro currency symbol, U+20AC. The encoding tables in Foundation have also been updated to support this character. You will still need to obtain and install fonts which include the Euro character in order to generate the character itself.
NSDateFormatter interprets year "00" as "Current Year"
Apple reference # 2278598
NSCalendarDate would interpret year "0" or "00" as "current year", rather than "2000", which was inconsistent with the interpretation of two-digit years in UNIX and not Year 2000 compliant.
NSCalendarDate now interprets "0" or "00" year values as "2000"
Date formatter handles two digit year inappropriately
Apple reference # 2290369
NSCalendarDate would treat any two-digit year as a 20th century year.
NSCalendarDate now treats two-digit year values less than 30 as 21st century years.
Euro glyph doesn't display correctly
Apple reference # 2298782
The NSTextView's -insertText: method would not handle mutable attributed strings correctly under OPENSTEP for Mach and Windows NT. This would result in display problems for certain characters, including the Euro currency symbol.
This method now handles attributed strings as well as ordinary strings correctly.