Installing OPENSTEP 4.2 Enterprise Developer Patch 2 on Windows NT 4.0
1. Download the Windows NT version of the patch from Apple's FTP site at The file is located at:
Also download the installer script, "" from:
2. Log in as a user with Administrator privileges.
3. Open a Bourne shell. The Bourne shell should be available from your Start menu, under the WebObjects program group, or under your Apple root directory at Demos\\sh.exe.
4. Change to the directory containing the patch and the patch installer, "".
5. Type the following at the shell prompt (make sure that there are no EOF applications running first): -install 4.2NT_Developer_Patch2.TAR.gz
For more information on using the program, type the following at the command prompt: -help
6. Reboot your Windows NT system
Problems Fixed
Corrected in OPENSTEP 4.2 Enterprise Patch 2 for Windows NT
IB palette has poor default date formatter
Apple reference # 2296018
The default format for NSDateFormatters dragged in from the Interface Builder palette had a two-digit year format. The default should be a four-digit year format to encourage sound coding practices.
The default has been changed to a four-digit year format.