WebObjects 4.0.1: DirectToWeb Assistant Error Workaround

The workaround described in this article has been included in WebObjects 4.0.1 Patch 2 and subsequent patches. Please see the WebObjects Current Patch List, article 70037, for information on the most current patches for WebObjects and Enterprise Objects Framework. This obsolete article is provided here as a convenience to our customers who have not yet upgraded to the most current patch level.
Note: Any reference to Mac OS X Server in this article pertains to version 1.2, which was released prior to May 2001.

Q: I am using DirectToWeb on Mac OS X Server with WebObjects 4.0.1. When I try to use the Assistant to generate a page, the following exception message will appear:

[DTWTemplate writeAndAddToProjectComponentNamed:]: selector not recognized

A: This is a known bug with DirectToWeb, Apple reference number 2315706. To avoid this bug, you will need to download and install an updated version of one of the Mac OS X Server library files. To install the updated library:

1. Download the Mac OS X Server version of the patch from Apple's FTP site at ftp.info.apple.com. The file is located at:



2. Uncompress the file. The filename should be libDTWGeneration.A.dylib

3. Use su to log in as the root user

4. Change to the /usr/lib/java directory

5. Back up the current libDTWGeneration.A.dylib file

6. Replace the current libDTWGeneration.A.dylib file with the file you just downloaded

You can now use the Assistant to generate new web pages.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012