As a result of changes in the Macintosh OS, support for DTMF tones is no
longer available. HyperCard 2.0 uses digitized sounds with the Dial
command. HyperCard 1.2.x will have difficulty producing the exact tones
required to trigger the telephone system. Upgrading to HyperCard 2.0
should solve the problem.
You may want to consider the following:
* Try dialing with pauses between the tones. Commas in the string cause a
one-second delay.
* A direct connection to the Macintosh results in higher fidelity and
may trigger the phone system. The Macintosh sound circuitry is capable
of producing much higher-quality sound than the speaker can pass.
HyperDialer connects directly to the sound port and eliminates both our
speaker and the telephone microphone.