EOF uses many components of the underlying OPENSTEP or NeXTSTEP system. In order to ensure that EOF is year 2000 compliant, you must install the appropriate OPENSTEP, OPENSTEP Enterprise, NeXTSTEP, or PDO patch on your system, following the install order given in the patch overview document.
EOF 1.0 has not been tested for year 2000 problems; current EOF 1.0 users will be provided with an upgrade to EOF 1.1 at no charge. For more information, please see Apple Enterprise Software's Year 2000 page at http://www.apple.com/enterprise/y2k/. For year 2000 information on EOF 2.X, please see TIL article 70085.
For more information on Apple's Year 2000 program and the Year 2000 status of Apple software products, please visit the Year 2000 Information Page at http://www.apple.com/about/year2000/
In "installPEOPLE.sqloracle6", for all he insert statements into the EMPLOYEE table, change the two-digit year data to use a four-digit year. For example:
insert into EMPLOYEE values ( 101, 101, 'Winston', 'James', '415-323-7265', '6269 Washington Ave.', 'Woodside', 'CA', '94160', 1, ' 14-JAN-89', 101, 5700.00 );
should be changed to:
insert into EMPLOYEE values ( 101, 101, 'Winston', 'James', '415-323-7265', '6269 Washington Ave.', 'Woodside', 'CA', '94160', 1, ' 14-JAN-1989', 101, 5700.00 );
In "installPEOPLE.sqloracle7", for all the insert statements into the EMPLOYEE table, change the two-digit year data to use a four-digit year and change the date format to a four-digit year specifier. For example:
insert into EMPLOYEE values ( 101, 101, 'Winston', 'James', '415-323-7265', '6269 Washington Ave.', 'Woodside', 'CA', '94160', 1, TO_DATE(' 14-JAN-89', ' DD-MON-YY'),101, 5700.00 );
should be changed to:
insert into EMPLOYEE values ( 101, 101, 'Winston', 'James', '415-323-7265', '6269 Washington Ave.', 'Woodside', 'CA', '94160', 1, TO_DATE(' 14-JAN-1989', ' DD-MON-YYYY'),101, 5700.00 );
The scripts may be modified using any text editor, or by the use of 'sed', as demonstrated below. You must have the proper permissions to edit these files.
mv installPEOPLE.sqloracle6 installPEOPLE.sqloracle6.bak
sed 's/[0-9][0-9]\\-[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]\\-/&19/g' installPEOPLE.sqloracle6 > installPEOPLE.sqloracle6
mv installPEOPLE.sqloracle7 installPEOPLE.sqloracle7.bak
sed 's/[0-9][0-9]\\-[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]\\-/&19/g' installPEOPLE.sqloracle7.bak | sed 's/YY/YYYY/g' foo > installPEOPLE.sqloracle7