EOF 2.x: Correcting Century Issues in the EOF Examples

Apple is not aware of any century problems with Enterprise Objects Framework versions 2.1 or 2.2 which would affect development or deployment of EOF applications. However, two scripts which install example data on Oracle for the Enterprise Objects Examples use a two-digit year format, which is not consistent with Apple's recommended date-handling practice. This article provides instructions on how to convert these example scripts to the preferred four-digit year format.

EOF uses many components of the underlying OPENSTEP or NeXTSTEP system. In order to ensure that EOF is year 2000 compliant, you must install the appropriate OPENSTEP, OPENSTEP Enterprise, NeXTSTEP, or PDO patch on your system, following the install order given in the patch overview document.

EOF 2.0 has not been tested for year 2000 problems; current EOF 2.0 users will be provided with an upgrade to EOF 2.1 at no charge. For more information, please see Apple Enterprise Software's Year 2000 page at http://www.apple.com/enterprise/y2k/ For year 2000 information on EOF 1.X, please see TIL article 70084.

For more information on Apple's year 2000 program and the year 2000 status of Apple software products, please visit the Year 2000 Information Page at http://www.apple.com/about/year2000/

The ModelerBundler example in the Enterprise Objects Examples on OpenStep 4.2 and OpenStep Enterprise 4.2 uses a two-digit year format for dates. The string is only used for display, not editing, so there is no problem with the function of the example. However, this is not prefered usage for Year 2000 compliant applications. The Apple reference number for this bug is 2341388.

Customers can edit the source for this example and rebuild it if a four-digit year format is desired. In $NEXT_ROOT/NextDeveloper/Examples/EnterpriseObjects/ModelerBundle/CustomeColumns.m, change the date format on line 67 from %y to %Y:

< formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]
initWithDateFormat:@"%m/%d/%y: %H:%M" allowNaturalLanguage:NO];
> formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]
initWithDateFormat:@"%m/%d/%Y: %H:%M" allowNaturalLanguage:NO];

Rebuild the example according to the instructions in the EnterpriseObjects directory.

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012