OPENSTEP 4.2: Quantrix Problems on Patched OPENSTEP Systems

Q: I've installed OPENSTEP 4.2 Patch 4 or later on my system, and Quantrix will no longer run. How can I continue to use Quantrix under patched versions of OPENSTEP?
A: Quantrix, a product of Lighthouse Design, Ltd., expects certain specific behavior from the 'gnutar' command. Because of Year 2000 issues with 'gnutar,' OPENSTEP 4.2 Patch 4 and later and NeXTSTEP 3.3 Patch 2 and later replace the version of 'gnutar' that shipped with the operating system with a Year 2000-compliant version. Quantrix cannot use this version of gnutar. As a result, Quantrix cannot create new models. If your preferences are set to create a new model at launch time, Quantrix will hang when starting up.

Users can work around this problem by editing one of the Quantrix configuration files. Using an 8-bit capable text editor such as or emacs, edit the file:

You should see an entry in this file which looks like:

/* path to gnutar executable - DO NOT CHANGE */

Change this line to read:

"/usr/bin/gnutar" = "/bin/false";

Quantrix will now run without using any version of 'gnutar'. Apple has not tested and does not provide any warranty for this procedure. Be sure that you use an editor that understands and preserves 8-bit characters; if you use a 7-bit text editor such as vi, Quantrix will not understand the new file.

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012