Based on the fact that the zones disappear, we suggest you consider the
following diagnostic questions:
* Is AppleShare server and/or PrintServer and/or Apple Internet Router
on the AppleTalk network based on AppleTalk Phase 2? A/UX 2.0 does not
support AppleTalk Phase 1.
* Is "appletalk" configured within A/UX 2.0 kernel? Use "module_dump /unix"
to verify it.
* Is "appletalk" currently running? Use "appletalk -s" to see the
status. Use "appletalk -d" to bring AppleTalk network DOWN, and use
"appletalk -u" to bring the AppleTalk network UP.
* Make sure the interface is properly selected; this is specified in the
/etc/appletalkrc file.
* Refer to Chapter 6 of "Administering AppleTalk" in A/UX Network System
Administration for more detailed information.
The message "appletalk: No such file or directory" from the "appletalk -u"
command output is a strong indication that the /dev/appletalk directory
and/or its sub-directories and files are probably missing or corrupted.
Normally, the /dev/appletalk directory should include as follows:
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 bin bin 512 Dec 7 10:07 ddp
drwxr-xr-x 4 bin bin 512 Dec 6 18:01 lap
total 0
crw-rw-rw- 1 bin bin 12, 16 Jan 15 16:15 socket
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 bin bin 512 Dec 7 10:07 ethertalk0
drwxr-xr-x 2 bin bin 512 Dec 7 10:07 localtalk0
total 0
crw-rw-rw- 1 bin bin 15, 0 Dec 7 10:07 control
total 0
crw-rw-rw- 1 bin bin 17, 0 Dec 7 10:07 control
If the /dev/appletalk directory is causing the problem, do these steps:
1) Run a file system check on the Root file system: fsck /dev/dsk/c?d0s0
2) De-install the appletalk module from the kernel: newconfig noappletalk
3) Re-install the appletalk into the kernel: newconfig appletalk
After re-installing appletalk, the appletalk modules, the /dev/appletalk
directory and its sub-directories and files will be correctly re-created.
Article Change History:
17 Aug 1993 - Reviewed for technical accuracy.