MacX: How to Use It in a DECnet Environment (1/95)

Regarding the use of MacX in a DECnet environment:

1) A DECnet driver is needed for the CommToolBox.

2) This driver does a translation from TCP/IP to ADSP.

3) The driver is available only from DEC, as part of PATHWORKS.

1) You need a DECnet/Mac driver in the System Folder, and a DECnet Tool
in the Communications Folder. There is also a DECnet Control CDEV,
that shows DECnet traffic statistics, and allows turning Network State
on or off.

2) The DECnet driver does not translate TCP/IP to ADSP. It uses DECnet
protocol to communicate with the VAX host. Another tool, the
AppleTalk-DECnet Connection Tool establishes a connection to a
DECwindows application through the AppleTalk/DECnet Transport Gateway.
This one uses ADSP connections.

3) The DECnet Connection Tool and driver are included with the
PATHWORKS for Macintosh package. Alisa also stated that their TSSnet
software supports MacX connection over DECnet. For contact information,
search the Technical Info library under "Alisa."

Article Change History:
30 Jan 1995 - Reviewed for technical accuracy.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012