System 7: Upgrade Strategy for Groups

What is the recommended System 7 upgrade strategy for groups of Macintosh computers?
Apple's recommended upgrade strategy for groups of Macintosh computers is contained in the System 7 Group Upgrade Guide. This guide is an integral part of the System 7 Group Upgrade Kit. The kit contains all the tools and
necessary information on how to plan, implement, and manage a group transition to System 7. This kit contains System 7 software and other software on disks and on a CD-ROM.

Network administrators and users who support a group of Macintosh computers should buy the System 7 Group Upgrade Kit (Order #M8221LL/A):

System 7: Group Upgrade Guide
What's New in System 7
Macintosh Reference
Macintosh Networking Reference
HyperCard Basics 2.1

System 7 CD-ROM
System Software 7, eight 800K disks
Before You Install, one 800K disk
HyperCard 2.1, two 800K disks
Macintosh Networking Basics, one 800K disk
Macintosh CD Setup, one 800K disk
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012