Apple's recommended upgrade strategy for groups of Macintosh computers is contained in the System 7 Group Upgrade Guide. This guide is an integral part of the System 7 Group Upgrade Kit. The kit contains all the tools and
necessary information on how to plan, implement, and manage a group transition to System 7. This kit contains System 7 software and other software on disks and on a CD-ROM.
Network administrators and users who support a group of Macintosh computers should buy the System 7 Group Upgrade Kit (Order #M8221LL/A):
System 7: Group Upgrade Guide
What's New in System 7
Macintosh Reference
Macintosh Networking Reference
HyperCard Basics 2.1
System 7 CD-ROM
System Software 7, eight 800K disks
Before You Install, one 800K disk
HyperCard 2.1, two 800K disks
Macintosh Networking Basics, one 800K disk
Macintosh CD Setup, one 800K disk