This message can be generated in one of three ways:
1. File names are restricted to 10 characters, not including the volume name
prefix or the .TEXT suffix; a name longer than that will generate the error
immediately without accessing the disk drive.
2. The error will be generated if there is insufficient room on the root disk
to save the new file. This condition is particularly prone to occur when
Pascal is updating the workfile, since Pascal always saves the new copy of the
file before removing the previous copy.
3. The directory is limited to 77 entries. If you try to save a 78th, the
error will be generated, even if there is enough room on the disk for the
These messages may be displayed if there isn't enough room to write the file
to the specified volume. This error can occur in the Filer, Compiler,
Assembler, or Linker, and can usually be corrected either by using the Filer
"Krunch" option (to consolidate unused blocks) or by removing unnecessary
--> More on "CODE WRITE ERROR"
During creation of a code file on the boot disk, the Assembler creates a
temporary file called LINKER.INFO on the boot disk; this file stores linkage
information that is later written into the final block of the code file. If
the code file is directed to the boot disk during the assembly, the largest
unused block of disk space is opened for the code file. If the disk has been
Krunched recently, there may be no space available for opening LINKER.INFO, in
which case the "CODE WRITE ERROR" message will be displayed. To rectify the
problem, simply "Make" an 8-block file on the boot disk, and then Make a
1-block file. (The names of these files are unimportant). After that, R)emove
the 8-block file, thereby separating the space into two distinct areas and
creating a place for LINKER.INFO to live. NOTE: This error may also occur in
the Compiler, since the Compiler also creates a LINKER.INFO (though only
during very large compiles when the system needs to temporarily swap out
information). The fix is the same.
If an error occurs when you use the include file option, "Make" a 4-block file
on the volume where the compiler resides, and name it SYSTEM.SWAPDISK. Doing
so makes it possible for the Compiler to swap out some information in order to
read in the new directory in preparation for the include file.
The Pascal (version 1.0) compiler error #407 ("Too Many Libraries") can
usually be avoided by changing the length of the text file being compiled.
The problem is corrected in Pascal version 1.1.