The Pascal compiler list option (*$L+*) should not be used with Pascal version 1.0, since this will result in the loss of the code file and possibly of the directory. Instead, direct the list to the printer (*$L Printer:*), the console (*$L Console:*), or to a named file ON ANOTHER VOLUME: for example, (*$L Mydisk:Myfile.text*). We recommend using the printer. NOTE: This problem has been corrected in Pascal 1.1, and will work as described in the Pascal reference manuals.
The (*$U-*) "lex level" compiler option will result in a non-executable codefile and so should not be used for compiling user programs. This option is intended for working on the system level; it requires files and information not available to the user.
Compiler options in Pascal version 1.0 must be in capitals. In version 1.1, capitals and lower case are interchangeable.