The problem is that QuickMail requires a compatible sound driver on every
Macintosh, but the drivers on your network may be different on each
Macintosh. On a Macintosh IIsi or Macintosh LC, QuickMail uses the Apple
Sound Manager in System 6.0.7. On other Macintosh models using Farallon's
MacRecorder, QuickMail uses Farallon's sound driver. And while the Sound
Manager understands the new AIFF format sounds, as well as the older 'snd'
resource format sounds, older versions of Farallon's driver did not
understand the AIFF format.
When a Macintosh IIsi records a sound (using the Sound Manager), the sound
is stored internally in AIFF format. Other Macintosh IIsi users can play
the sound because they're using the same sound manager. Macintosh
computers using the MacRecorder and earlier versions of the Farallon sound
driver can't play the message.
You can either install a Farallon sound driver on all your Macintosh IIsi
systems or get an upgrade. Farallon has sold the MacRecorder hardware and
software to MacroMedia (formerly MacroMind) and they're handling support
for the product.
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