NeXTSTEP 3.2 /etc/restore patch

These instructions show you how to install update 1 of the /etc/restore patch on a NeXT or Intel-based computer running NEXTSTEP‰ Release 3.2. The patch is distributed in an Installer package file named RestorePatch.pkg.
Installing Update 1 of the /etc/restore Patch for NEXTSTEP Release 3.2

Download the patch from:

This patch fixes a problem with the Release 3.2 version of /etc/restore where set user and group id bits are not retained on restored files. A symptom of missing set user and group id bits after restoring a NEXTSTEP system disk is the inability to log in as a user other than root.

1. If you received the RestorePatch.pkg file via NeXTmail‰ or another electronic source, place a copy of the file in a location where you can access it when you log in as root.
2. Log in as root.
Only the superuser, root, can install the package. If you're not sure how to log in as root, see your system administrator.
3. If you received the RestorePatch.pkg file on a floppy disk, insert the disk in the floppy disk drive. (If you have an Intel-based computer, choose Check for Disks from the Workspace Manager‰ application's Disk menu.) When the disk icon appears in the File Viewer, double-click it to open it.
4. Double-click the RestorePatch.pkg file.
5. Click the Install button in the Installer package window. When the panel asks you what kinds of computers you want to install the software for, select the kind of computer you're using and click Install. Then click Continue in the panel that warns you you're about to overwrite existing files.
6. When the installation is complete, choose Quit from the Installer menu.
The new /etc/restore is now available to restore /etc/dump backups.

For information about logging in and out, the Workspace Manager application, and the Installer application, see the NEXTSTEP User's Guide. For information about /etc/restore, see NEXTSTEP Network and System Administration and the UNIX manual pages for dump and restore.
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012