Apple Sound Chip: Macintosh IIfx Audio Output Level (4/95)

I am trying to match up line levels for my audio system and I need to know the audio output level of the Macintosh IIfx. This information is not in the Macintosh IIfx manual.

The following information is from the "Guide to the Macintosh Family Hardware" available through Addison-Wesley dealers. This information applies to all models using the Apple Sound Chip.

"The external sound jack is at standard line level (approximately 1.5 volts peak-to-peak) and its source impedance is approximately 47 ohms.  The jack is capable of driving a headphone load of 8 to 600 ohms, or the input to almost any audio amplifier or amplified speakers.  It will not adequately drive a directly connected external speaker.  The external sound jack is short-circuit protected."

Article Change History:
26 Apr 1995 - Revised format of article.

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Published Date: Feb 20, 2012