Availability Information
No updated versions of this driver are available
Driver Name / Installer .pkg: HPXPDisplayDriver
Driver Type: Display
Driver Scope: Specific Product
Supported Components: S3 928P, TI TVP3020 RAMDAC
PC Bus / Interface Supported by Driver**: Integrated
General Overview notes: This graphics driver is designed to support the on-board graphics controller of the Hewlett Packard Vectra XP series. The on-board graphics controller is based on the S3-928 chipset and can support 2MB or 4MB of VRAM.
Supported Products / Add-on Adapters:
Supported Products / Systems (ie integrated into PC System):
HP Vectra XP (4MB VRAM)
HP Vectra XP (2MB VRAM)
Special Features of Driver / Driver Notes:
Display Driver Details
Supported Connectors: 15-pin High Density (VGA)
Access Mode: Linear Framebuffer
Adapter Memory: 2MB VRAM, 4MB VRAM
Display Modes (Number in () after resolution indicates frame buffer size required)
32 Bit Color Modes**:
1024x768 (4MB+), 640x480 (2MB+), 800x600 (2MB+)
16 Bit Color Modes**:
1024x768 (2MB+), 1152x819 (2MB+), 1280x1024 (2MB+), 800x600 (1MB+)
8 Bit Color / Greyscale Modes**:
1024x768 (1MB+), 1152X819 (1MB+), 1280x1024 (2MB+), 1600x1200 (2MB+), 800x600 (1MB+)
Known Problems
Driver Version Notes
** - Indicates information that is inclusive of the entire capability of this driver. Not all devices supported by this driver may include all features listed. Check any available NeXTanswers and the hardware manual for the device for additional information.
Product Vendor
Hewlett Packard
3000 Hanover St.
Palo Alto, CA 94304
+1 (800) 752-0900 USA toll-free phone
+1 (415) 857 1501 international phone
+1 (800) 333 1917 faxback system
+1 (408) 553 3500 bulletin board system
+1 (415) 857 5518 fax