System 6.0.5 & 6.0.7: Helvetica Narrow Fonts (11/94)

System 6.0.7 Installer has a FONT problem if I:

1) Install the FONTs from the LaserWriter IINT into the System.

2) Create a MacWrite document using Helvetica and N Helvetica Narrow.

3) Update the System software with Easy INSTALL. It doesn't matter if
I'm updating from 6.0.5 to 6.0.5, 6.0.5 to 6.0.7 or 6.0.7 to 6.0.7.

4) Look at the FONTs in the MacWrite menu. I still have N Helvetica
Narrow, but the text that should be N Helvetica Narrow is Geneva.

5) Look in the System file FONT list with ResEdit. The N Helvetica
Narrow family still exists, but the individual FONTs normally listed
under the family heading have disappeared.

This problem appears on a Macintosh IIsi, Macintosh SE or Macintosh Classic running System Software 6.0.5 or 6.0.7 (Swedish or U.S. versions).

Reinstalling the Narrow FONTs fixes this problem. After reinstalling, all the other FONTs should be all right, too.

Article Change History:
14 Nov 1994 - Reviewed for technical accuracy, made information public.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012