IBM Token Ring Bridge: Filter Programs

I have a customer who needs to set up an IBM Source Routing Bridge to
filter AppleTalk in order to allow us to run an Internet Router in parallel
with it. IBM supplied them with some sample programs, but these sample
programs only show how to filter ranges of Token Ring addresses. This
would be fine if the only Token Ring cards running AppleTalk were Apple's
cards, but this is not the case. Do you know of anyone that has written an
AppleTalk protocol filter for this bridge that might share this code with
my account? What types of filters are supported by the Token Ring Bridge

We are not aware of anyone having an IBM Token Ring Bridge filter program
for AppleTalk. The Token Ring Bridge program supports three types of

1. Link Limiting Filter: to be used for remote bridge, such as two half
bridges connected by a T1 line.
2. NetBIOS Filter: to accept or discard only NetBIOS protocol.
3. Address Filter: to accept or discard a range of Token Ring address.

According to the IBM Token Bridge Program 2.1 User's Guide, you can have up
to 10 filters in the FILTER.BAT file. Thus, you can add one or more
address filters in this file to filter out the token ring addresses of the
other non-Apple token ring cards. Otherwise, you have the option to write
your own AppleTalk filter using DOS Macro Assembler language.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012