You might expect the German umlaut, not a standard ASCII character, to get
the interperter to generate a syntax error. Instead, the system hangs as
if it were in an infinite loop; use the "pc 0" in the debugger to return to the
command line. Avoid using option characters within the program text.
If a missing "&" in a multiline statement generates a syntax error instead of
a system hang, something else may be wrong with the statement or with the
system itself.
The renumbering of embedded numbers in 'REM' statements is often unsuccessful.
Usually, the problem is that the number embedded in the 'REM' statement is both
(a) the same as a line number in the program before or after the 'REM'
statement itself, and (b) also a number that would be used in the renumbered
Lisa Basic+ supports two types of arrays, virtual and non-virtual (i.e.
resident in memory). Both virtual and non-virtual arrays contain a limited
number of elements: 2730 for real arrays and 16383 for integer arrays. (See the
Basic+ User's Guide, page 9-2.) The system allocates a maximum of 32K of
system memory to each non-virtual array dimensioned. Use the "LENGTH" command
to tell you how much memory is available. With that amount, calculate the
number of arrays you can dimension within the specific program.
Virtual array files (disk based) as well as arrays within the file can
occupy more space than the available system memory. An example:
The maximum number of non-virtual arrays of maximum size with 504K of available
memory is 16. Yet, if the program utilizes virtual arrays, the number of
arrays that can be dimensioned is limited only by the amount of free disk
You can delete a file from within a basic program using the system statement
'Kill'. Refer to page 14-3 in the Basic Language manual for more details.
To transfer files with the file-manger to Slot 2 Channel 2:
1) press f for file-manager.
2) press t for Transfer.
3) in response to:
type -slot2chan2-
APPLE-. does terminate a LisaBasic program at the next logical stopping
point; you can cause the program to resume by typing CONT. (Refer to page 3-11
in the Basic Language manual for details.) This method will NOT work, however,
with a system hang due to, for instance, as an infinite loop; in such a case,
you must implement the debugger in order to escape.