Driver: Tseng Labs ET4000W32
Last Update: December 18, 1997
Availability Information
A version of this driver is on the OPENSTEP CD-ROM
No updated versions of this driver are available
Driver Name / Installer .pkg: TsengET4000W32DisplayDriver
Driver Type: Display
Driver Scope: Generic-Chipset
Supported Components: AT&T ATT20C490 RAMDAC, AT&T ATT20C491 RAMDAC, AT&T ATT20C492 RAMDAC, Brooktree Bt484 RAMDAC, Brooktree Bt485 RAMDAC, Brooktree Bt485A RAMDAC, STG 170x, Tseng Labs ET4000W32
PC Bus / Interface Supported by Driver*: VL-Bus
General Overview notes: This driver supports implementations based on ET4000W32 chipset.
Display Driver Details
Access Mode: Linear Framebuffer
Known Problems
The current driver does not implement transfer tables, so the display appears dark, and the brightness slider in Preference doesn't work.
* - Indicates information that is inclusive of the entire capability of this driver. Not all devices supported by this driver may include all features listed.