The A/UX command "systemfolder" can generate a clean personal Folder in the $HOME directory. The contents of the newly created personal System Folder will include generic files from the "/mac/lib/SystemFiles/private" and "/mac/lib/SystemFiles/shared" directories. Follow these steps:
1) Log on as "root"
2) Type the command "systemfolder"
3) If you receive the message, "System Folder '/System Folder' already exists - updating", type the command: mv "System Folder" "old system". Then type the command "systemfolder"
4) Logout as root and login as the user.
5) You have created a clean System Folder, and you can then copy the Extensions and Control Panels you want into the "/mac/sys/System Folder".
Article Change History:
03 May 1995 - Updated article for clarity.
22 Aug 1994 - Reviewed for accuracy.
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