Within the Foundation are basic classes used by any Objective-C program: collection classes, Distributed Objects, persistence frameworks, Unicode and internationalization support, the foundations of event-driven programming, and facilities to insulate code from the underlying operating system.
These release notes are divided in three main sections:
There have been a number of changes to Foundation since the shipment of OPENSTEP 4.0 and a few since 4.1, both defect fixes and a few API additions. These are enumerated in the section below.
Note that if your application uses API which was added after 4.0, your application might not run under 4.0 (and similarly with 4.1 and API added after 4.1). (If you do not want to deploy your application on 4.0 or 4.1, then this is not an issue.) You can catch some of the potential issues by defining the macros STRICT_40 and/or STRICT_41 at compile time. This #define is similar to STRICT_OPENSTEP and is used in the Application and Foundation Frameworks to mark new API. Similarly, if you rely (perhaps unintentionally) on a bug fixed in 4.2, your application may not function correctly under 4.0 or 4.1. Make sure you test on your intended deployment platform.
A number of performance improvements have also made to Foundation for each release. Customers developing on 4.2 may find performance to be significantly worse in some cases when an application is deployed on 4.0, for example.
Here are the feature changes to Foundation in 4.1 (from 4.0):
Some methods in 4.0 were not surrounded by #if !defined(STRICT_OPENSTEP) when they weren't, in fact, in OpenStep.
NSCharacterSet | NSCharacterSet.h | +characterSetWithContentsOfFile: |
NSConnection | NSConnection.h | -connection:shouldMakeNewConnection: |
NSArray | NSPathUtilities.h | -pathsMatchingExtensions: |
These methods were made public in 4.1. They were not public in 4.0, but existed in the 4.0 Foundation binary so there are no compatibility issues in using them. They are not in OpenStep, however.
NSArray | NSArray.h | -makeObjectsPerformSelector: |
NSArray | NSArray.h | -makeObjectsPerformSelector:withObject: |
NSSet | NSSet.h | -makeObjectsPerformSelector: |
NSSet | NSSet.h | -makeObjectsPerformSelector:withObject: |
NSBundle | NSBundle.h | +allBundles |
NSBundle | NSBundle.h | +allFrameworks |
NSFileHandle | NSFileHandle.h | +fileHandleWithNullDevice |
NSFileHandle | NSFileHandle.h | -initWithNativeHandle:closeOnDealloc: |
NSFileHandle | NSFileHandle.h | -initWithFileDescriptor:closeOnDealloc: |
NSObject | NSObject.h | +instanceMethodSignatureForSelector: |
NSFrameAddress | NSDebug.h |
NSReturnAddress | NSDebug.h |
NSCountFrames | NSDebug.h |
Some methods in 4.1 were not surrounded by #if !defined(STRICT_OPENSTEP) when they weren't, in fact, in OpenStep. They were guarded with #if !defined(STRICT_40).
NSBundle | NSBundle.h | +allBundles |
NSBundle | NSBundle.h | +allFrameworks |
NSObject | NSObject.h | +instanceMethodSignatureForSelector: |
NSDictionary | NSDictionary.h | -initWithDictionary:copyItems: |
NSBundle | NSBundle.h | -load |
NSFileHandleDataAvailableNotification | NSFileHandle.h |
NSPositiveCurrencyFormatString | NSUserDefaults.h |
NSNegativeCurrencyFormatString | NSUserDefaults.h |
NSFileHandle | NSFileHandle.h | -waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes: |
NSFileHandle | NSFileHandle.h | -waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify |
NSRunLoop | NSRunLoop.h | -configureAsServer |
NSTask | NSTask.h | -interrupt |
General Comments
Dates are represented in Foundation with NSDate (and NSCalendarDate) objects and NSTimeInterval values. An NSTimeInterval is essentially a C-language double. NSDates (and NSCalendarDates) store the date that they represent with an NSTimeInterval, which represents the time delta, in seconds, from the Foundation reference date, 00:00:00 1 January 2001 GMT. This time delta is negative until the reference date. There is no special significance to the year 2000 to NSDate objects or NSTimeInterval values. However, refer to the topic Risks in Parsing and Displaying Dates in this section for more information on issues in date presentation and the year 2000.
Since the internal time representation will transition across zero (at the reference date) at some point in the future, unlike some other schemes which set the epoch to a date "always" in the past, there will be a brief instant, on the order of microseconds in length, in which an NSDate object created to represent the current time will have an NSTimeInterval of 0.0. The length of this instant is dependent on the resolution of the system time provided by the particular operating system and platform an application is running on. An NSTimeInterval of 0.0 has no special significance to NSDate or NSCalendarDate, but applications which use the NSTimeInterval of a date object in division should protect against division by zero. Such applications are vanishingly rare. More common might be to have an NSTimeInterval which represents the delta between two arbitrary date objects (such as when timing events), and applications should take appropriate caution in using such values (this is always a good idea apart from date usage).
Risks in Parsing and Displaying Dates
As with any communication between a program and a user, there can be miscommunication in showing dates to the user and reading dates the user types in. When a user types a date into a text field in an application they may intend one thing, and the program may interpret the date as something else. When a date is displayed to a user, the user may interpret the date incorrectly. While an application cannot control the user, there are certain things that an application can avoid doing, with respect to dates, to reduce the potential for confusion and ambiguity and data corruption.
Each of these points is explained in greater detail below. Whenever it is important (or critical) that the user get accurate information from the application, or the application get accurate information from the user, an application should avoid the ambiguous behaviors below and require strict conformance to a fully specified input format (for user input) and provide an equally verbose output description of dates. Alternatively an application could ask for confirmation of input dates, but this seems to be rather more heavyweight.
Avoid two-digit years and all uses of the "%y" date format specifier. Per POSIX and ANSI C (refer to section 7.12, ANSI/ISO 9899-1990 for ANSI C definitions), a two-digit year YY means 1900 + YY. The Foundation follows the lead of ANSI C here. Thus, when a user types "5/10/02" in to a text field with a date formatter with format "%d/%m/%y", a date of 5 October 1902 is successfully created. If the user meant 5 October 2002, they haven't entered that. Since %y means "two-digit year" it is not possible for the user to type anything that will get them a date in the year 2002 (for example, if the user types "5/10/2002" in this example, a date of 5 October 1920 will be successfully parsed). The date parsing routines parse at most two-digits for %y, in order to support dates formatted like "980409" (also not a good idea). Conversely, a user has no way of knowing whether "28/10/33" refers to 1933 or 2033 if they see that displayed on the screen or in printed output. If a program uses "%Y" in the format string instead, this issue is avoided.
Do not use natural language date parsing. The natural language parser is pretty sophisticated, but it is after all just sophisticated guessing. The natural language parser is also usually successful at creating a date from input, as long as the input is moderately close to something that looks like a date. However, as with the previous issue, this may not be the date the user intended. Relatedly, don't enable natural language parsing for date formatters. If it is enabled, and the user's input does not match the date formatter's format, the input string is given to the natural language parser.
Here is an example where the natural language parser may fail to parse the date the user intended: suppose the date formatter has a format "%d/%m/%Y" and the user types in "5-10-2002". This does not match the format (which has slashes), so the date formatter gives the input to the natural language parser. Now, what the "5" means and what the "10" means is ambiguous±it could equally be month-day-year or day-month-year. The natural language parser prefers a particular ordering, given by the NSDateTimeOrdering preference. If the user's preferred language is French, this is DMYH (denoting an ordering: day month year hour). The built-in default, if the user has no preferred language, is MDYH (denoting an ordering: month day year hour). NSDateTimeOrdering could also be set explicitly to something else by the user. If the user's preferred language is French, the date will be "correctly" parsed as 5 October 2002. By default it will be parsed as 10 May 2002. In general, an application writer can't know a priori what the preferences of the user will be. If natural language parsing is desired, this and other issues (such as use of 12- or 24-hour hour designations) should be taken into account and dealt with by the application.
Avoid time zone abbreviations. Time zone abbreviations are inherently ambiguous. Many time zones around the world map to the same abbreviations, by local convention, and there is usually very little information in the abbreviations (most are of acronyms of a phrase such as "Something Standard Time" or "Something Daylight Time", where the Something is the only differentiator). A time of 11:00 CST means something different to a person in New York, New York, U.S.A. (indicating time in Chicago) than someone in Sydney, Australia (indicating time in Darwin) (that hour by itself is also ambiguous; is it ante meridiem or post meridiem?). Use of time zone names of the form GMT+hhmm and GMT-hhmm (as in GMT+0100) can also be problematic, since the user cannot know what which convention (simple offset, or the POSIX minutes-west) is being used. Thus, GMT+0200 can indicate either Helsinki or the mid-Atlantic.
Foundation's Time Zone Data
The Foundation now uses its own time zone data files (which describe when changes to the standard time zone corrections from GMT occur) on all platforms. This provides for greater consistency of behavior, and the ability to unarchive and transport time zones to any Foundation platform. However, it's possible that the time zone data may become out-of-date relative to a particular platform's data as, for example, new operating system updates are installed, but the new versions of PDO or OPENSTEP are not. The Foundation's time zone data comes from a freely available source at elsie.nci.nih.gov, and is current with that source as of November, 1996. The Resources/TimeZoneInfo directory inside the Foundation.framework contains a file README.TimeZoneInfo which explains how the time zone data for Foundation can be updated from this source, if required. Part of the reason for choosing the data from elsie.nci.nih.gov is that it is an easily accessible source of current information (it is updated about once per month). It is also quite complete.
The time zone data that Foundation uses in 4.2 is compatible with the data used in 4.0 and 4.1. However, to save disk space on machines with disks with large allocation-block sizes, all of the data is bundled up into a serialized property list (TimeZones.splist). The top-level property list is a dictionary where the keys are time zone names (the same as the file names in 4.1) and the values are NSData objects containing the bytes of the files. To use the data to update a 4.1 installation (for example), the data objects in this file would need to be extracted into files with the file names given by the keys. It is fairly straightforward to write a Foundation-based program to do this. An example of the opposite process, taking a directory hierarchy and making the serialized property list is given in the Resources/TimeZoneInfo/README.TimeZoneInfo file described above.
With the adoption of the time zone data from elsie.nci.nih.gov, Foundation has also adopted the zone naming conventions of that data, where zone names usually have the form Area/Location, as in America/Sao_Paulo or Europe/Paris. The previous, and conventional UNIX, time zone names are supported for backwards compatibility.
The set of time zone abbreviations has also changed somewhat. How abbreviations map to time zones is an arbitrary choice of the Foundation, since time zone abbreviations are ambiguous. Use of time zone abbreviations is not encouraged (see Risks in Parsing and Displaying Dates in this section for more information). Sites can customize this to some extent±see the file Resources/TimeZoneInfo/README.TimeZoneInfo in the Foundation.framework.
Using performSelector: with Selectors Which Don't Return `id'
The NSObject methods -performSelector:, -performSelector:withObject:, and -performSelector:withObject:withObject: have an "id" return value. This is something of a holdover from pre-4.0 conventions where methods without otherwise interesting return values returned self. Much of the time one can "get away with" performing a selector to an object with these methods, where the target method does not have a return value or has a non-object return value. Such use is semantically suspect, however, and is not valid. Any situation where the -performSelector:... message may be forwarded will quickly illustrate this (with an abnormal program termination), as the NSInvocation object attempts to retain the return value from after invocation, because the selector for -performSelector:... is typed to return an object. Sending -performSelector: to a faulted object with a selector that does not return id is an example of this. This behavior extends also to various other "perform" methods such as the -makeObjectsPerformSelector: of some collection classes and the "delayed perform" and "ordered perform" methods in NSRunLoop.h.
Where Do NSLog()'d Messages Go?
NSLog() and NSLogv() do not log an error message to stderr, as stated in the documentation.
On HP-UX, Solaris, and Mach, it writes the log to STDERR_FILENO if the file descriptor is open. If that fails, the message is sent to the syslog subsystem, if it exists on a platform, with the LOG_USER facility (or default facility if LOG_USER doesn't exist on a platform), with priority LOG_ERR (or similar, depending on what the platform supports). If both of these attempts to write the message fail, the message is discarded.
On Windows platforms, the message is written to the STD_ERROR_HANDLE, if that handle is valid, on Windows platforms that support that standard handle. It is also written to the Windows Event Log on Windows platforms that support the Event Log, or to the file c:\\fndation.log on Windows platforms that do not, if that file can be opened. If all of these attempts fail, the message is discarded. On some Windows platforms, the message to the Event Log may be truncated if there is a limit to the size of a message that the Event Log can accept. On Windows platforms that support an application discovering whether or not it is running under a debugger, NSLog() and NSLogv() may only send the message to the debugger for its handling, via standard WIN32 mechanisms, and not also write the message to STD_ERROR_HANDLE and the Event Log. Note that a debugger may choose to not display messages thus sent to it, or may choose not to display all of the message±NSLog() and NSLogv() have no control over that.
Output from NSLog() and NSLogv() is serialized, in that only one thread in a process can be doing the writing/logging described above at a time. All attempts at writing/logging a message complete before the next thread can begin its attempts.
The effects of NSLog() and NSLogv() are not serialized with other subsystems than those discussed above (such as the standard I/O package) and do not produce side effects on those subsystems (such as causing buffered output to be flushed, which may be undesirable).
The format specification allowed by NSLog() and NSLogv() is that which is understood by NSString's formatting capabilities. That is not necessarily the set of format escapes and flags understood by printf(), as mentioned in the documentation.
Foundation Examples
There are several Foundation examples in /NextDeveloper/Examples/Foundation.
I/O Functionality
Two Foundation classes, NSFileHandle and NSPipe, provide objects that represent open files or communications channels and support basic I/O operations. They make it easy for developers to write code that is directly portable to other platforms. The interfaces for these classes are declared in NSFileHandle.h. These classes replace the NSPosixFileDescriptor and NSPosixPipeDescriptor classes made available in OPENSTEP 4.0 prereleases. The differences from the predecessor classes for the most part involve naming and a refinement of semantics.
Note that the new (in 4.2) -waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify functionality only works for NSFileHandles which refer to sockets.
NSUnarchivers own the objects that they decode. When an NSUnarchiver is deallocated, so are the objects that it has decoded, unless they have been retained. The following code, for example, will probably result in a decoded object being used after being freed:
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool allocWithZone:NULL] init];
NSUnarchiver *unarchiver = [[NSUnarchiver allocWithZone:NULL] initForReadingWithData:myData];
id object = [unarchiver decodeObject];
[unarchiver release];
[pool release];
... use or return object here ...
object should be retained before the NSUnarchiver is released, and probably also autoreleased if object is returned from the function or method. An exception to this are the -decodeValueOfObjCType:at: and -decodeValueOfObjCTypes:... methods. Objects "returned" from these two methods, like those returned from +allocWithZone: and -copyWithZone:, are not autoreleased, and must be explicitly released.
User Defaults
Foundation contains API (NSUserDefaults) which replaces the old defaults database suite of functions. User defaults with 4.0 applications are stored differently and in a different place than 3.3 user defaults. There is a new command-line utility called defaults that allows you to manipulate the new-style defaults just as dread, dwrite, and dremove allowed you to manipulate old-style defaults.
On Windows NT, defaults are stored in the Windows registry. There is a program shipped with Windows NT, REGEDT32, for viewing and editing registry entries. NSUserDefaults stores its domains and their key-value pairs under the entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\NeXT\\UserDefaults. The values are currently stored as strings in the property list format.
The command /usr/bin/defconvert, in OPENSTEP 4.x for MACH, can be used to convert a user's 3.3 defaults database to 4.x-style defaults--simply run it from the command line with no parameters. This program converts all old-style defaults, even those of non-OpenStep applications, adding them to the user's new-style database. Since NEXTSTEP 3.3 applications may not use the same default names after conversion to OPENSTEP 4.x, and 3.3 applications do not use the new defaults database, and increasing the size of the defaults database increases the amount of memory needed by each OpenStep application, converting an old defaults database to the new style usually provides little utility.
Errors in ASCII Property Lists
When a method like NSDictionary's +dictionaryWithContentsOfFile: is used to read and parse an ASCII property list from a file, parse errors and exceptions are suppressed, and nil is returned upon error. Sometimes a program wants to know about syntax errors in a property list, or wants finer-grained information about why a property list cannot be read and parsed. Another method, NSString's -propertyList, can be used for this purpose. The following example illustrates this:
- (id)readPropertyListFromFile:(NSString *)path mustBeOfType:(Class)targetClass logErrors:(BOOL)showErrors {
NSString *string;
id plist = nil;
string = [[NSString allocWithZone:NULL] initWithContentsOfFile:path];
if (showErrors && nil == string) {
NSLog(@"%@: string could not be read from '%@'", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), path);
plist = [string propertyList];
if (showErrors) {
NSLog(@"%@: received exception while parsing: %@", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), localException);
plist = nil;
[string release];
if (Nil != targetClass && ![plist isKindOfClass:targetClass]) {
if (showErrors) {
NSLog(@"%@: property list is not of desired type '%@'. It's an '%@'.",
NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), NSStringFromClass(targetClass), NSStringFromClass([plist class]));
[plist release];
plist = nil;
return plist;
Grammars for Serialization and ASCII Property List Formats
Grammars and description of the serialization (NSSerializer) and ASCII property list representation formats are available in the appendix to the OpenStep specification.
Strings which contain non-alphanumeric characters must be double quoted in property lists to ensure the entire string is parsed as one string object. Parse failures will result, otherwise.
Retain Cycles and Invalidation
The retain/release strategy used in Foundation allows an incautious programmer to create reference cycles in an object graph (that is, the graph of objects that retain one another in some manner). These cycles are self-sustaining and constitute a memory leak. The simplest example is to create a NSMutableArray instance and add it to itself. Since an array retains its objects, it retains itself independent of its normal usage. Retains are essentially distributed across the network via the Distributed Objects mechanism.
If retain cycles cannot be avoided by careful design, but are known a priori, the following technique can be used to recover the memory. For the objects in the cycle(s) whose retain counts are solely due to the cycle, all should be retained (perhaps in an array), each one told to release its retained objects, then all released. The action of releasing its retained objects would undoubtedly cause an object to become dysfunctional. Some objects already implement such a method by the name "-invalidate". It is a bug that neither NSObject nor the collections implement this method to facilitate cycle recovery.
More on Autoreleasing and Retaining
The following statements are false:
Returned objects are guaranteed to be valid for the scope of the current method.
Returned objects are guaranteed to be valid until the current autorelease pool is released.
Returned objects are guaranteed to be valid until the end of the current event loop.
The Foundation's retain count mechanism operates via -retain and -release. A code fragment such as:
id object = [collection returnObject];
creates a reference (in object) to the returned object, but does not increment the retain count of object. If you don't let the system know about your reference, by incrementing the retain count with -retain, the system can't ensure that your reference remains valid for any length of time. For example:
object = [array objectAtIndex:7]; // get object
[array removeObjectAtIndex:7]; // removes object and releases it
[object dosomething]; // object may be invalid here
In practice, you can get away with such "weak references" much of the time. But the safest approach formalizes your reference to the object:
id object = [[collection returnObject] retain];
... do operations, some of which may be on object ...
/* Don't need object any longer */
[object release];
object = nil;
The -hash and -isEqual: Invariant
It is worthwhile to highlight an obscure requirement documented in NSObject class specification for the -hash method: The -hash and -isEqual: methods of a class must be defined so that if two objects are equal, their hash value is the same ([x isEqual:y] implies [x hash] == [y hash], but not the converse). This is easy to forget, but especially important to ensure when putting custom objects into some collections (such as NSSet and NSDictionary).
Forwarding Messages in OpenStep
Objects wishing to forward messages with the -forwardInvocation: method must also (re)implement the -methodSignatureForSelector: method. This is a result of the compiler not providing call stack descriptive information at each call site. Consequently, the runtime needs a source of information for how the stack frame is constructed. It needs this to build the invocation that will be supplied to the -forwardInvocation: method call. The -methodSignatureForSelector: method will need to be reimplemented to provide a method signature for selectors to which the object does not respond.
- (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)sel {
NSMethodSignature *result = [super methodSignatureForSelector:sel];
// if result is nil, self must not respond to the selector
if (nil == result)
result = [target methodSignatureForSelector:sel];
return result;
- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)invocation {
[invocation invokeWithTarget:target]; // let target implement methods that we do not
Faulted objects in EOF which wish to forward messages should also override +instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:.
See the ForwardInvocation example in /NextDeveloper/Examples/Foundation/ForwardInvocation.
Debugging Aids
The OpenStep Conversion Guide describes several techniques for debugging Foundation and AppKit applications. The header file NSDebug.h also has some global flags, functions, and methods which may be useful. But be warned±although this header file is public, its contents are mostly unsupported, largely undocumented, and are subject to change without warning. Do not depend on API within this header for the operation of production programs.
Object Allocation Analysis
One of the useful flags defined in NSDebug.h is NSKeepAllocationStatistics, which allows you to analyze the object allocation activity in a program. The AnalyzeAllocation command line program can be used to analyze the output generated by running with this option enabled. You can also use the ObjectAlloc demo application which comes OPENSTEP for Mach and Windows to graph the object allocation activity in real time.
The +load Method
The +load message is sent to classes when they are added to the Objective C runtime. +load is usually received before +initialize. +load is not inherited by subclasses.
The order in which +load messages are sent to classes is unspecified (and specifically, a class's superclass is not guaranteed to have its +load method called before the class receives the message). Therefore, you should not use any subsystems or classes which are loaded at the same time, or more generally, which you do not know have received the +load message. If you do, you will probably cause execution of code which assumes that +load (and anything that had to be done in +load) has been previously executed.
There are two situations typically when classes are added to the runtime:
Note that calling +load on a class isn't a solution (and is a generally bad idea), because that will cause +initialize to be sent first, which the class may not handle. Not to mention that doing so places into your code dependencies on which classes implement +load in a particular version of a library. In the case of Foundation, for convenience sake, +load methods which must use Foundation API can call [NSObject self] first to make sure Foundation has performed the initialization it needs.
+load is not intended as a general initialization mechanism, and should only be used when absolutely necessary. Use +initialize for early initialization whenever possible.
Performance and NSNotificationCenter
NSNotificationCenter, although heavily optimized, by its nature can become a significant performance bottleneck if heavy use of notifications is made. The notification mechanism should be used judiciously.
NSAutoreleasePool's -addObject: Method
You should never use the NSAutoreleasePool instance method -addObject:. Use the -autorelease method, or [NSAutoreleasePool addObject:] to autorelease an object. Using the instance method incurs the risk of adding an object to a pool which is not the top autorelease pool, a semantically suspect operation, since the autorelease pool model is one of a (per-thread) stack of pools. OPENSTEP 4.x does allow you to add objects to an autorelease pool that is not the top pool, but be warned that it is a much more expensive operation (and always will be) than adding an object to the top pool.
Frameworks as NSBundles
Frameworks are a specialized form of bundle. An application can statically link against a framework at compile time (like a library), or dynamically load a framework (like a bundle) at runtime. However, as a specialized type of bundle, there are some constraints placed on frameworks:
Reference: 36156
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: NSBundle -localizedStringForKey:value:table: caches default values
Description: NSBundle's -localizedStringForKey:value:table: method incorrectly caches the default value passed as the second parameter if the key isn't found in the table. On subsequent calls with the same key this first default value is returned. Sometimes, however, the default value may need to be different, even with the same key, in different locations in code.
Workaround: None
Reference: 41245
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: NSArray -componentsJoinedByString: extended
Description: NSArray -componentsJoinedByString: sends -description to each of the array's objects and concatenates the results of that message together, rather than using the objects directly. This means that this method will now operate on arrays which are composed of objects that are not NSStrings.
Workaround: None
Reference: 47347
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
Platforms: All
Disposition: None
Issue: NSArchiver and NSUnarchiver do not understand bitfields
Description: Structures containing bitfields cannot be archived and unarchived.
Workaround: Encode the members of a structure containing bitfields individually, encoding the bitfields as chars, shorts, or ints (or unsigned chars, shorts, or ints as appropriate).
Reference: 48447
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: HP-UX
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: D.O. crashes sending some structures containing doubles
Description: D.O. would crash when attempting to send a parameter or return value which was a structure larger than 8 bytes and contained a double field.
Workaround: None
Reference: 49001
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: Extended formatting for NSCalendarDates
Description: The number-formatting sequences for NSCalendarDates (%d, %e, %H, %I, %j, %m, %M, %S, %w, %y, %Y), during the construction of a description, can now contain formatting flags between the `%' and format code, to the extent that the string methods +stringWithFormat:, -appendFormat:, etc. understand them. Format flags are not understood during parsing from a format, however. Note that per 70220 [below], NSDateFormatters use their format string both to display the date and to parse a date from a string (which the user entered in a text field, for example), so this modest extension should not be used in the format string of NSDateFormatters. Setting the date formatter to allow natural language may obviate the issue (but may be undesirable for application reasons)
Workaround: None
Reference: 49084
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
Platforms: All
Disposition: None
Issue: NSInvocation always retains the return value
Description: NSInvocation always retains object return values. This can cause issues if the return value of a method is not a fully initialized object. Only +alloc and +allocWithZone: return uninitialized objects, so this is only an issue if a program uses invocations to send either of those methods to a class object. If an application contains its own methods which return objects which are not fully initialized, it should avoid sending those messages with an NSInvocation or over Distributed Objects.
Workaround: None
Reference: 50670
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: NSMethodSignature's -getArgumentTypeAtIndex: and -methodReturnType return too much information
Description: These NSMethodSignature methods return a string which contains the type descriptors for the requested argument plus all the type descriptors for the arguments following.
Workaround: Use NSGetSizeAndAlignment() to parse the first type. NSGetSizeAndAlignment() returns the first parameter pointer, advanced to the next type in the type string. Pass the return value of either of those methods as the first parameter to NSGetSizeAndAlignment() and pass NULL for the second and third parameters (or pass pointers to unsigned integers if either of those values is interesting); record the return value of that function in another variable. The difference between the return value and the first parameter is the length of the first type in the first parameter to NSGetSizeAndAlignment(). The single type string can then be strncpy()'d into its own buffer.
Reference: 51108
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
Platforms: All
Disposition: None
Issue: Kanji text in NSLog() messages shows as Unicode hex on Japanese systems
Description: Strings that contain non-ASCII characters are displayed with the non-ASCII characters translated to a hex representation (\\uNNNN). This makes strings with Kanji essentially unreadable.
Workaround: None
Reference: 55579
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: Collections that contain themselves don't unarchive well
Description: Unarchiving an object graph with a collection which contains itself, or contains an object which archived a reference to the collection, may cause a program either to crash immediately when the archiving system attempts to retain it, or to crash later when a freed object is sent a message. The issue here is that the collection gets retained when the recursive reference is unarchived (which is normal) before it has completed its initialization in -initWithCoder:, which can be an issue for objects which keep track of their own retain count (as the collection classes do).
Workaround: None
Reference: 56330
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: NSConnection doesn't let go on NSRunLoop when it has nothing to do
Description: NSConnections do not register/un-register their ports with the run loop lazily, as they have something to serve. Specifically, an NSConnection with no root object and no local objects vended over the wire (no local proxies) should not have its ports registered with a run loop, since it can never receive any messages. This causes code like the following to never terminate:
id server = [NSConnection rootProxyForConnectionWithRegisteredName:@"name" host:@"*"];
... do stuff with server ...
[server release];
... do stuff which adds a one-shot timer to the current run loop ...
... and run the run loop ...
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] run];
Workaround: None
Reference: 56644
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
Platforms: All
Disposition: None
Issue: NSArchiver tracks char * pointers as equivalent to their contents
Description: During archiving, NSArchiver keeps track of the char * strings it has seen by the address passed in for encoding. If a program uses the stack or malloc() to construct a char *, then encodes it using the "*" type primitive (or @encode(char *)), the archiver only remembers the stack/malloc address, assuming it has constant contents.
Workaround: Do not archive char * strings from the stack. Do not mutate or free malloc'd char * strings during archiving.
Reference: 56659
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
Platforms: All
Disposition: None
Issue: Proxies cannot be notification observers unless they are retained
Description: Because NSNotificationCenter does not retain observers, registering an observer with a remote NSNotificationCenter (the observer would be a proxy in the remote process) will eventually cause a crash of the remote process when it tries to message a freed object, unless the remote process explicitly retains the proxy. This situation is a bit arcane, but the same type of issue can happen with other objects that don't retain objects that they know about.
Workaround: Use an explicit protocol to tell the server (the process vending the notification center) to register and unregister an observer. The server then retains and registers the observer with the vended notification center, and unregisters and releases the observer when the client tells it to do so. (If an unregister mechanism is not part of the protocol, and used, the object will never be released.)
Reference: 57984
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
Platforms: All
Disposition: None
Issue: No way to get list of non-defaults command-line arguments
Description: In NEXTSTEP 3.3 (and earlier releases), command-line arguments that looked like defaults were removed from NXArgv. The array returned by [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] arguments], NXArgv's replacement, however, contains all of the command-line arguments.
Workaround: Code that expected defaults options to have been stripped from NXArgv will have to be rewritten to skip default option names and their values, or the arguments array will need to be processed to remove them before using it. The NSArgumentDomain dictionary can be retrieved from the standard user defaults instance to find out what NSUserDefaults interpreted as a default option.
Reference: 58137
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
Platforms: All
Disposition: None
Issue: No way to create an NSData which does not free the bytes
Description: NSData and NSMutableData instances always take ownership of the byte pointer with which they are initialized, and then call free() to free the storage when they are deallocated. This applies to all existing creation and initialization methods. Only pointers to storage which can be passed to free() should be used to initialize data objects. As a corollary issue, there is no way to create a data object which refers to VM allocated storage.
Workaround: None
Reference: 59230
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: Mach, HP-UX, Solaris
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: The main bundle can be allocated with the wrong directory
Description: If an application is not launched with a full path, NSBundle attempts to create the main bundle instance with the current directory. If the application is launched from the command-line without a full path, and the application is not in the current directory (but found via the shell $PATH environment variable), the main bundle will be created with the wrong path. The Mach Workspace Manager always launches applications as a full path, so this is not an issue for applications launched with Workspace Manager.
Workaround: Launch the application with the full path, or launch the application from the directory in which it exists.
Reference: 61520
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: Handler is called twice when deleting a directory
Description: NSFileManager's -removeFileAtPath:handler: method, when deleting a directory, calls the handler method -fileManager:shouldProceedAfterError: twice on each subdirectory or file error, and fails to call the handler for the top-level directory itself.
Workaround: None
Reference: 62019
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: Character tables are not Unicode 2.0 compliant
Description: The tables used by NSCharacterSet and shipped as resources with the 4.0 Foundation are compliant with Unicode 1.1. The Unicode 2.0 tables were not yet available at the time of release.
Workaround: None
Reference: 62044
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: Default uncaught exception handler changed
Description: The default uncaught exception handler now includes the name of the exception and a "numeric backtrace" in the logged message it generates. The backtrace consists only of the return addresses on the execution stack. Additionally, on Windows, an application exception is raised (via RaiseException()), which can be handled by a debugger.
Workaround: None
Reference: 62235
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
Platforms: All
Disposition: None
Issue: Can't search for characters case-insensitively
Description: NSString's -rangeOfCharactersFromSet: ignores the NSCaseInsensitiveSearch flag. This also affects NSScanner's -scanCharactersFromSet:intoString: method when the scanner has been set to be case insensitive.
Workaround: None
Reference: 62576
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
Platforms: All
Disposition: None
Issue: NSNumber -compare: results odd results with NaN
Description: Two NSNumbers containing with NaN (created, say, via +numberWithDouble:) compare NSOrderedSame and are -isEqual:. However, in C, NaN is not equal to NaN.
Workaround: None
Reference: 62812
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
Platforms: All
Disposition: None
Issue: Changed defaults don't appear sometimes to have taken affect
Description: The default NSUserDefaults domain search order places the NSArgumentDomain before the application's domain. This is usually desirable for reading defaults, but may not be if you set/change default values. If you set a value for a default that was passed as an option on the command-line, the value is correctly set/changed in the application's domain, but -objectForKey: will still return the value found in the NSArgumentDomain, because by default it is searched first.
Workaround: There are various workarounds depending upon the application and its use of user defaults. The following options are relative to a particular NSUserDefaults instance (that is, if you create multiple user defaults instances, you'd have to do the workaround for each individually).
1. Remove the NSArgumentDomain from the search list, perhaps after adding any keys it contains to the registration domain; command-line specified defaults will not be found, or not have priority over same-keyed defaults in the application's domain, however.
2. Move the NSArgumentDomain after the application's domain; command-line specified defaults will not have priority over same-keyed defaults in the application's domain, however.
3. Each time you set a default value, set it in the argument domain (difficult and not worth the trouble).
4. Best solution: Create a subclass of NSUserDefaults. For each defaults instance created, create a new volatile domain, tell the instance about it (-setVolatileDomain:forName:) perhaps calling it "ChangedDefaults" (don't give it a name beginning with "NS"!), and insert it first in the domain search list of the new defaults instance. Override the -setObject:forKey: and -removeObjectForKey: methods to set/remove the value in the "ChangedDefaults" volatile domain, and then call [super ...] to do the same for the application domain. The following code illustrates what these override methods might look like:
- (void)setObject:(id)value forKey:(NSString *)defaultName {
NSDictionary *changedDomain;
id oldValue;
[super setObject:value forKey:defaultName];
changedDomain = [self volatileDomainForName:@"ChangedDefaults"];
oldValue = [changedDomain objectForKey:defaultName];
if (![oldValue isEqual:value]) { // Something to do
NSMutableDictionary *newDomain;
newDomain = [[NSMutableDictionary allocWithZone:[self zone]]
[newDomain setObject:value forKey:defaultName];
[self setVolatileDomain:newDomain forName:@"ChangedDefaults"];
[newDomain release];
- (void)removeObjectForKey:(NSString *)defaultName {
NSDictionary *changedDomain;
id oldValue;
[super removeObjectForKey:defaultName];
changedDomain = [self volatileDomainForName:@"ChangedDefaults"];
oldValue = [changedDomain objectForKey:defaultName];
if (oldValue) { // Something to do
NSMutableDictionary *newDomain;
newDomain = [[NSMutableDictionary allocWithZone:[self zone]]
[newDomain removeObjectForKey:defaultName];
[self setVolatileDomain:newDomain forName:@"ChangedDefaults"];
[newDomain release];
Reference: 63974
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: Time zone information not up-to-date
Description: The time zone information in Foundation's resources directory on Windows was quite a bit out-of-date. It has been updated for 4.2. The files contained in the directory and the way in which they are used has also changed internally in Foundation, so it is not possible to directly update a 4.1 deployment by copying the new resource files into the Foundation's resource directory. The Foundation now always uses its time zone data on all platforms, rather than any system data that may exist. For more information, see the section Foundation's Time Zone Data in the General Comments section of the Foundation release notes.
Workaround: None
Reference: 64605
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
Platforms: HP-UX
Disposition: None
Issue: NSBundles cannot dynamically load code
Description: Unlike NeXT's implementations of OpenStep on other platforms, Foundation in PDO for HP-UX cannot dynamically load code. This is due to limitations in the compiler and Objective C runtime, which we hope to resolve in a future release.
Workaround: None
Reference: 66411
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: Solaris
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: Formatted floats sometimes loose sign
Description: Formatted strings created with the NSString methods like +stringWithFormat: lose the sign of floats formatted with %f (and %g) in some cases. For instance, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%f", -2.3e-2] results in @"0.023000".
Workaround: Use sprintf() to create the character string with the desired format, then create the NSString from that with +stringWithCString:.
Reference: 66538
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
Platforms: All
Disposition: None
Issue: NSString +stringWithFormat: doesn't work with %p or some formatting flags
Description: Unlike what the documentation seems to say, NSString does not understand all ANSI C printf()-style formatting escapes and flags, and never has.
Workaround: Use sprintf() to create the character string with the desired format, then create the NSString from that with +stringWithCString:.
Reference: 66725
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: Windows
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: Workaround CreateProcess() bug in NSTask
Description: There is a bug in CreateProcess() on Windows NT 3.51, and possibly 4.0, such that when an environment is provided that is of size n*2048+1 bytes (n >= 1), the call fails with error ERROR_MORE_DATA. NSTask now works around this bug.
Workaround: None
Reference: 66766
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
Platforms: All
Disposition: None
Issue: NSBundle doesn't load _profile and _debug binaries in bundles
Description: NSBundle does not attempt to load code from debug or profile versions of their binary code, which the makefiles give the _debug and _profile suffixes, respectively. If the non-debug/non-profile binary doesn't exist in the bundle, no code will be loaded. NSBundle doesn't care how the binary has been compiled, it just only looks for the file with the name given by the NSExecutable key in the Info.plist file in the Resources directory.
Workaround: [Mach, Solaris, HP-UX]: Create a symbolic link named without the _profile or _debug suffix to the _profile or _debug binary at the top level of the bundle directory. [All platforms]: Move the _profile or _debug binary to a file of the same name without that suffix. [All platforms]: Modify the value of the NSExecutable key in the Info.plist file to include the desired _profile or _debug suffix.
Reference: 67201
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: Windows
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: Files mapped with -initWithContentsOfMappedFile: cannot be removed
Description: On Windows, you cannot remove a file that a process has mapped; this is a feature of the operating system. However, even after an NSData initialized with -initWithContentsOfMappedFile: is deallocated, a program may not be able to immediately remove the file. The issue is that an internal file-mapping object was autoreleased at the time the data was initialized.
Workaround: The autorelease pool which was active at that time must be released, and then the mapping will be undone, and the file can be removed. Surround the initialization of the NSData with an autorelease pool so that when the data is deallocated, the mapping is immediately undone:
id tmpPool = [[NSAutoreleasePool allocWithZone:NULL] init];
mappedData = [[NSData allocWithZone:NULL] initWithContentsOfMappedFile:@"/temp/foo"];
[tmpPool release];
Reference: 67382
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: Windows
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: NSTask -terminate does not terminate child processes of the subprocess
Description: The -terminate method in NSTask does not recursively terminate any and all child processes of the launched process on Windows, as it does on other platforms.
Workaround: None
Reference: 68041
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: NSString's -stringByStandardizingPath raises an exception in certain circumstances
Description: When passed an absolute path that ends with ª..º, NSString's -stringByStandardizingPath method raises an exception.
Workaround: None.
Reference: 68155
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
Platforms: Windows
Disposition: None
Issue: NSUserDefaults does not reflect Windows Registry case semantics
Description: The Windows Registry is case-preserving but case-insensitive with respect to keys (registry keys, not default keys). NSUserDefaults doesn't reflect this in its behavior, so, for example, if a persistent domain "MyApp" exists, and a persistent domain "MYAPP" is created, the new domain will eradicate the existing one and all defaults in the existing one will be lost. This does not affect default keys or values, only domain names.
Workaround: None
Reference: 68223
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: -stringByAbbreviatingWithTildeInPath sometimes incorrectly abbreviated
Description: If the first part of a path matched the user's home directory, '~' would be substituted for that prefix, regardless of whether or not the partial component at the end of the prefix was a complete component or not. For example,
[@"/me-local/foo/bar" stringByAbbreviatingWithTildeInPath] => @"~/local/foo/bar"
if the example was executed by the "me" user whose account is "/me".
Workaround: None
Reference: 68251
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: Various minor defects in the semantics of some path utility methods in corner cases
Description: -stringByAppendingPathComponent: doesn't compress extra slashes when receiver is the empty string
"" + "///x/y//z" -> "///x/y//z"
-stringByAppendingPathExtension: will append an extension beginning with a slash
"abc" + "/a" -> "abc./a"
-stringByAppendingPathExtension: will append an extension beginning with a drive
"abc" + "c:foo" -> "abc.c:foo"
-stringByAppendingPathExtension: does not compress extra slashes in the appended extension (although it is very unusual to do this)
"abc" + "de///fg////h" -> "abc.de///fg////h"
-stringByDeletingPathExtension does not compress extra slashes when there is no extension
"///a/b//c" -> "///a/b//c"
Workaround: None
Reference: 68447, 68781
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: D.O. and archiving type signature checks don't take structure tags into account
Description: The NeXT compiler does not include structure names in type encoding strings produced from typedefs of structures (for example, @encode(NSRange)); instead, the structure tag is given as "?". This is a bug in the compiler, but one that cannot be fixed for backwards compatibility reasons. To achieve compatibility with SunSoft's compiler (which correctly emits all structure tags), a "?" as a structure tag now acts as a "wildcard", matching anything. This is unlikely to affect user applications, but developers who construct their own type encoding strings should note this, as 4.1 is more permissive than OPENSTEP 4.0 was, a possible backwards-deployment issue.
Workaround: None
Reference: 68449
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
Platforms: Windows
Disposition: None
Issue: Cannot get a proxy for a distributed OLE object using OPENSTEP D.O.
Description: When trying to get a proxy for an OLE object, you may get the following error: "deserializeObjectAt: class `NSDistantIDispatchProxy' not loaded".
Workaround: Include nxorb.m (from NextDeveloper/Libraries) in your client. Although the D'OLE Developer's Guide states that nxorb.m is only needed for use with NXConnections, it's needed in some circumstances for NSConnections as well.
Workaround: None
Reference: 68675
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
Platforms: HP-UX
Disposition: None
Issue: Hang while looking up connection after fork
Description: If you have a DO client which tries to look up a connection using NSConnection's connectionWithRegisteredName:host:, then forks a process, and then tries to look up the connection again, the client will hang. If the fork is omitted, the client won't hang.
Workaround: None
Reference: 68709
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: Deadlock between NSTask and NSNotificationQueue
Description: A process can sometimes deadlock in NSTask's -waitUntilExit method. The triggering conditions are not fully understood.
Workaround: None
Reference: 68790
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: NSConnectionDidDieNotification not sent in some circumstances
Description: If a client attempts to send a message to a server which had died before the client had processed the port death notification (which can take quite a while to arrive), an NSInvalidSendPortException is raised rather than the NSConnectionDidDieNotification being sent.
Workaround: None
Reference: 69019
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: byref ignored by NSCalendarDates
Description: The byref keyword is no longer ignored when transporting NSCalendarDates (as a parameter or return value) over D.O. Thus, a parameter or return value which is declared with byref now results in a proxy to the calendar date instance, rather than a real calendar date instance. By default, NSCalendarDates still go over the wire bycopy. NSDates always go over the wire bycopy.
Workaround: None
Reference: 69056
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
Platforms: HP-UX
Disposition: None
Issue: Multi-threaded DO example occasionally hangs on HP-UX
Description: Compiling and running the multi-threaded DO example in /NextDeveloper/Examples/Foundation/MultiThreadedDO occasionally results in a hang.
Workaround: None
Reference: 69110
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
Platforms: All
Disposition: None
Issue: (unsigned char)45 and (long long)-1 are ordered ascending
Description: This is actually correct behavior, in that NSNumber follows the C type promotion rules. Thus, the (long long)-1 is promoted to (unsigned long long)18446744073709551615 and (unsigned char)45 is promoted to (unsigned long long)45, and then the comparison makes sense. This is, however, not all that desirable.
Workaround: None
Reference: 69152
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
Platforms: HP-UX
Disposition: None
Issue: HP-UX nmserver has issues when passing large structures
Description: On HP-UX systems, passing large structures over D.O. without having first defined a protocol can cause the nmserver to become non-functional.
Workaround: Use protocols when passing large structures over D.O. on HP-UX.
Reference: 69174
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: Lossy conversion to NSASCIIStringEncoding more lossy than intended
Description: When NSString finds a non-ASCII character during lossy conversion to NSASCIIStringEncoding, NSString converts it to an underscore. In 4.0, when NSString finds a non-ASCII character during such conversion, NSString converts the character and all the remaining characters in the string to underscores, even if they were ASCII.
Workaround: None
Reference: 69293
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: Change to +pathForResource:ofType:inDirectory:
Description: The NSBundle class method +pathForResource:ofType:inDirectory: now first searches a Resources subdirectory of the third parameter if such a subdirectory exists. It used to examine only the directory specified in the third parameter.
Workaround: None
Reference: 69321
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: Windows
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: D.O. leaks every messaged object
Description: On Windows, every object that is messaged via D.O. is leaked due to an extraneous retain.
Workaround: None
Reference: 69471
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: NSPipe leaks file descriptors
Description: NSPipes and NSFileHandles do not take ownership of the file descriptor by default. If such an object was released without an explicit close of the descriptors, the descriptors were not recovered. The new methods -initWithNativeHandle:closeOnDealloc: and -initWithFileDescriptor:closeOnDealloc: allow for the creation of file handles which own the descriptors.
Workaround: None
Reference: 69926
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: NSNotificationCenter sometimes sent duplicate notifications
Description: In some situations, NSNotificationCenter sent observers two (or more) copies of a single notification. This only happened to observers which were registered to receive any notification name (perhaps with restriction to particular object).
Workaround: None
Reference: 70028
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: Fault objects could not forward messages
Description: EOFault would cause an unrecognized selector exception rather than causing -forwardInvocation: to be invoked on the faulted object when the fault was sent a message that the faulted object did not understand (in other words, an object faulted would not get an opportunity for forward an unknown selector). Faulted objects which wish to forward a message which may cause them to be faulted should override the new NSObject class method +instanceMethodSignatureForSelector: to return an NSMethodSignature for the eventual target of the forwarded message. See the subsection Forwarding Messages in OpenStep in the General Comments section below.
Workaround: None
Reference: 70172
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: NSCalendarDate -setCalendarFormat: doesn't handle nil format properly
Description: NSDate's -dateWithCalendarFormat:timeZone: and NSCalendarDate's -setCalendarFormat: now have the documented behavior with respect to the first parameter being nil. In 4.0, they would simply set the format to nil, which resulted in the various -description methods returning an empty string.
Workaround: None
Reference: 70220
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: NSDateFormatter didn't convert input in the same way as output
Description: NSDateFormatters did not use the output format string to parse user-entered strings, so in most cases strings could not be entered in the same format in which they were displayed. Now a date displayed with "%m/%y" (for example) can also be entered in that format.
Workaround: None
Reference: 70323
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: NSDateFormatter does not allow empty string
Description: Once the user had begun typing in a text field that had a date formatter, the user could not leave the field without entering a valid date; in particular, the user could not leave the field empty. Empty is now valid, and the date formatter produces nil for an empty string in its -getObjectValue:forString:errorDescription: method.
Workaround: None
Reference: 70334
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: Time zones generated with wrong offset
Description: The +timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: was incorrectly using the negative of the supplied parameter to generate the returned time zone. This also affected the parsing of dates where the time zone was specified with a raw GMT offset, like "-0700", but not where the time zone was a name, such as "GMT-0800" or "PST".
Workaround: None
Reference: 70440
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: NSRunLoop incorrectly computed whether or not there was work to be done
Description: In some situations using background monitoring of file handles, NSRunLoop would not take into account the file handles in deciding whether or not it had any more input sources.
Workaround: None
Reference: 70463
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: Windows
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: Cannot NSLog() large messages
Description: Due to Event Log limitations on NT 3.51, NSLog()'d messages greater than ~32K are dropped and do not appear in the Event Log. Also, messages greater than ~60K stopped appearing in the console for console based processes. In 4.2, messages longer than ~32000 bytes are truncated and the message:
[NSLog log message too long; remainder deleted]
is appended before being sent to the Event Log. Multiple writes are done to the console for large messages.
Workaround: None
Reference: 70565
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: NSNumberFormatter is not handling nil and NaN correctly
Description: If you tab into a cell with an NSNumberFormatter, and the cell has a nil object value, if you tab out of the cell, the number formatter inserts NaN into the cell. This value can be persistent and hard to get rid of, even when a valid number is typed into the field.
Workaround: None
Reference: 70580
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: NSNumber hashed long long numbers incorrectly
Description: NSNumber hashed long longs by simply casting the value to (unsigned int). This caused some equal numbers to have different hash values, breaking the hash±isEqual: invariant.
Workaround: None
Reference: 70612, 70718
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: NSDecimalNumber inaccuracies
Description: An error in the text from which the division algorithm was taken caused inaccuracies in the less significant end of the result of -decimalNumberByDividingBy:withBehavior: (in the fractional part, the ones, and tens digits, depending on the size of the numbers). Also, digits of precision were being lost during initialization on the less significant end of the number, and the decimal point was being incorrectly positioned in the result of -decimalNumberBySubtracting:withBehavior:.
Workaround: None
Reference: 70955
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: Cannot append path components beginning with tilde
Description: NSString -stringByAppendingPathComponent: would refuse to append a component that began with `~' in 4.0. This was to prevent the accidental concatenation of "~username" onto a path, but `~' is a valid (but perhaps uncommon) first character of a file name, and that behavior was of marginal benefit, so it was eliminated.
Workaround: None
Reference: 70975
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: Mach
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: Loading bundles with duplicate or undefined symbols crashes applications
Description: In NEXTSTEP 3.3 and prior versions, attempting to load a bundle with symbols which duplicated already-existing symbols, or had undefined symbols which were still undefined after the bundle was loaded into the executable image, simply caused the bundle load to fail. In OPENSTEP, this causes an application to crash.
Workaround: By default, this is not fixed to restore the 3.3 behavior, since the fix is somewhat expensive. The 3.3 behavior can be enabled by setting the default NSSafeBundleLoading to YES in a user's defaults database. The success or failure of the operation can be tested with the NSBundle -load method.
Reference: 71118
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
Platforms: All
Disposition: None
Issue: Collections that contain themselves don't describe
Description: Sending the -description method to collections which contain themselves, or contain objects that contain the collection, causes infinite recursion.
Workaround: None
Reference: 71288
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: Issue popping initial autorelease pool
Description: A program could crash if it repeatedly created and released the top autorelease pool.
Workaround: None
Reference: 71646
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.1
Issue: Formatter.strings missing
Description: A missing strings file has been added to the Foundation, so in 4.1 error strings returned from the formatters (NSDateFormatter and NSNumberFormatter) will be localized.
Workaround: None
Reference: 71911
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: NSMutableData -setData: method does not reduce length of receiving data
Description: The NSMutableData -setData: method will increase the length of the receiving data object to accommodate all the bytes in the parameter, but does not shrink the size of the receiving data if the parameter contains fewer bytes than the receiver.
Workaround: Do an explicit -setLength: after -setData:.
Reference: 71962
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: Windows
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: NSBundle cannot identify the main bundle over Samba
Description: NSBundle is not able to identify the main bundle for applications launched from a directory mounted in Windows via Samba, where the Samba server has been configured to be case sensitive. Applications will terminate immediately on launch.
Workaround: Set the Samba server to be case insensitive (but this can cause other issues, such as files being inaccessible).
Reference: 72144
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: Mach
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: NSData's -writeToFile:atomically: always fails on DOS-formatted disks
Description: The temporary file that NSData creates when the second parameter to -writeToFile:atomically: is YES is not a valid file name on DOS-formatted disks (it's too long).
Workaround: None
Reference: 72464
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: Windows
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: Domains seem to be missing
Description: NSUserDefaults sometimes fails to identify the longest-named domain in the registry as a domain, and it will be omitted from lists, such as that produced by the command `defaults domains'.
Workaround: None
Reference: 72479
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
Platforms: All
Disposition: None
Issue: NSScanner's -scanDouble: and -scanFloat: too eager
Description: In cases where NSScanner encounters a lone 'E' or a lone '.', it currently puts 0.0 into the variable and returns YES. In some future release, it will probably return NO in such a situation.
Workaround: None
Reference: 73292
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: NSMutableDictionary -setDictionary: crash
Description: The -setDictionary: method of NSMutableDictionary will cause an application to crash when the parameter is an empty immutable dictionary.
Workaround: None
Reference: 73320
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.1, 4.2
Platforms: All
Disposition: None
Issue: In NSNumberFormatter, specifying different formats for negative and positive values causes issues
Description: When the formats you specify for positive and negative values aren't parallel in their treatment of separators, for example:
[numForm setFormat:@"###,##0.00;-(##0.00)"];
the positive format takes on the separator characteristics of the negative format. For example, given the above statement, positive values will be displayed without thousand separators even though their format includes separators.
Workaround: None
Reference: 73352
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: Windows
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: -stringByResolvingSymlinksInPath now does more
Description: On Windows, -stringByResolvingSymlinksInPath now fixes the cases of characters so that the case of the name in the returned string matches the on-disk case, and it also converts 8.3 names to the full names.
Workaround: None
Reference: 73686
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
Platforms: All
Disposition: None
Issue: NSFileHandle error notification not handled correctly
Description: If an error occurs in attempting a background monitoring operation, NSFileHandle may send an empty notification to observers. This may occur when a native file handle has not been configured correctly for use, for example.
Workaround: None
Reference: 73689
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.1
Platforms: Windows
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: NSCalendarDate won't archive correctly unless TZFILE is set
Description: In 4.1, NSTimeZone attempted to use information from the registry to choose the default time zone, so that the TZFILE environment variable, required in 4.0, was no longer necessary. However, the time zone object that was created in the absence of TZFILE was not transportable over Distributed Objects, and could not be unarchived from an object archive on any platform (so NSCalendarDates which use the default time zone could not be unarchived either).
Workaround: Set the TZFILE environment variable for a user to the name of a time zone, like "US/Eastern" or "Japan".
Reference: 73751
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: Incorrect behavior when copying NSMutableDictionarys
Description: According to the OpenStep specification, when you send -copy or -copyWithZone: to an NSMutableDictionary you should get back a deep immutable copy. This was the behavior implemented in OPENSTEP 4.0. However, in OPENSTEP 4.1 (all platforms) what you get back is a shallow immutable copy--the objects in the dictionary are merely retained instead of being copied.
This change in behavior can have subtle effects within any code that copies NSMutableDictionarys. For example, suppose you have a mutable dictionary populated with objects, and you create a copy (which should be a deep immutable copy). If you then modify one of the objects that you had put into the original dictionary, the modified object will appear in the copy of the dictionary as well as in the original. This bug means that a copy of a dictionary can change out from under you unexpectedly. In an application, you might see no change, incorrect operation, or a crash as a result. Because it doesn't always crash your applications, and because it manifests itself in a number of different ways, this bug can be particularly difficult to detect.
Workaround: While you may not be able to alter the way that libraries you link against are written, in your own code you can work around this bug simply by avoiding the use of either -copy or -copyWithZone: with NSMutableDictionarys. The easiest way to do this is to use the undocumented (in 4.1) -initWithDictionary:copyItems: method, as shown here:
[[NSDictionary allocWithZone:NULL] initWithDictionary:dict copyItems:YES]
This method only makes sense when you know you have a dictionary object, but that's often the case (-isKindOfClass: can be used for testing this). Note that -initWithDictionary:copyItems: isn't part of the OpenStep specification.
Reference: 73880
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: Windows
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: NSFullUserName() always returned nil
Description: Note that this DLL is not implemented on Windows 95, so this function will always return nil on Windows 95. Applications should be prepared for a nil return value.
Workaround: None
Reference: 74192
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: NSTimeZones are not equal
Description: Unless the receiver and parameter are the same identical object, NSTimeZone's -isEqual: method returns NO for identical time zone objects.
Workaround: None
Reference: 74198
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: Misbehavior in initializing NSArrays
Description: In 4.1, the following code doesn't cause a nil-object exception, but it should.
id ids[5] = {[NSObject new], nil, nil, [NSObject new], [NSObject new]};
id a = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:ids count:5];
Workaround: None
Reference: 74246
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: Time zone offsets not parsed well
Description: The date can be misparsed from a string with a bare time zone offset (as opposed to a time zone name). For example:
dateWithNaturalLanguageString:@"1996-10-22 13:44:03 -0700"
returns the date
700-10-22 13:44:03 -0800
Workaround: None
Reference: 74271
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: NSUserDefaults +initialize causes crash on second invocation
Description: If NSUserDefaults' +initialize method was invoked a second time, say by the presence of a subclass, an application would crash.
Workaround: A subclass can provide an empty implementation of +initialize so that NSUserDefaults implementation does not get called multiple times.
Reference: 74349
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: NSAutoreleasePool crashes with a memory fault
Description: NSAutoreleasePool can crash with a memory violation during an autorelease
if the following sequence of events occurs:
1. the non-top pools get a sum of exactly (2019 - 4 * P + 2048 * N) objects in them, where:
N is any integer N >= 2,
M is the maximum number of pools there have ever been at any instant, up to that point, and
P = { 0 if M <= 16; ceil(M - 13) / 4) if M > 16 }
2. the top pool grows to be large (having more than 4096 objects in it), and is then released
Upon the next autorelease, the autorelease pool will shrink its storage, shrinking it to exactly the amount required for the (2019 - 4 * P + 2048 * N) objects in the remaining pools, and then try to add the newly autoreleased object one slot past the end of the new storage. The shrink in this case is not taking into account the extra storage that will immediately be needed.
Workaround: None
Reference: 74560
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.1
Platforms: Windows
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: Prefix "\\\\" stripped by path utilities
Description: The path utilities go to a lot of trouble to preserve a prefix "\\\\" on Windows, which indicates a UNC file name. However, due to a bug, this was being stripped in one common code path.
Workaround: None
Reference: 74725
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: NSMutableDictionary -initWithDictionary:copyItems: crash
Description: NSMutableDictionary's -initWithDictionary:copyItems: method can crash a program on a nil dictionary parameter.
Workaround: None
Reference: 74787
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: NSNumberFormatter may not use the default attributes
Description: -attributedStringForObjectValue:withDefaultAttributes: doesn't always use the default text attributes passed in as the second parameter. Specifically, they weren't used when formatting zero, nil, and NaN.
Workaround: None
Reference: 74791
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: NSFileHandle shouldn't raise if it doesn't write all the data
Description: The -writeData: method raises if it can't write all the data in one attempt.
Workaround: None
Reference: 74823
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: NSWeekDayNameArray is incorrect for French, German, Spanish, Swedish, & Italian.
Description: The NSWeekDayNameArray default in the French, German, Spanish, Swedish, & Italian language files in the Foundation resources start with Monday. The array should start with Sunday (even though Monday may be the conventional first-day-of-the-week).
Workaround: None
Reference: 74849
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: NSNumberFormatter's -attributedStringForObjectValue:withDefaultAttributes: doesn't work with nil second parameter
Description: NSNumberFormatter's -attributedStringForObjectValue:withDefaultAttributes: doesn't handle the case where nil is passed as the default attributes dictionary.
Workaround: None
Reference: 75011
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: Windows
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: Language preference in registry is inserted into NSLanguages default
Description: In 4.1, if the user did not have an NSLanguages default, NSUserDefaults looked into the Windows registry and created an NSLanguages default in the registration domain from the user's preferred language stored by the Control Panel. Now, the language from the registry is appended to the list if it doesn't already occur in the NSLanguages default (with the default being created in the registration domain as before if it doesn't exist). Also, whenever the language "English" is not present in the list, it is now appended to the list.
Workaround: None
Reference: 75359
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: NSData -hash algorithm is too simple
Description: NSData used to return the length of the data as its hash value. For EOF, where fixed-length data objects may be used as primary keys, this results in terrible hashing performance. NSData now uses a better algorithm that depends on the byte contents of the data.
Workaround: None
Reference: 75568
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: NSCalendarDate %F format flag truncates rather than rounds
Description: The %F format flag for NSCalendarDates indicates where milliseconds are to be indicated in a formatted string. However, it was truncating a series of nines in the result, rather than rounding. For example, if the millisecond value was 120, it might be stored as .119999999999..., and the formatting for %F would truncate the excess fractional part and result in "119" in the formatted string.
Workaround: None
Reference: 75881
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: NSNumberFormatter can use wrong formats
Description: If an NSNumberFomatter is asked to format a number after the positive format or negative format has been changed from the default, but before the -positiveFormat or -negativeFormat methods have been called (such as by -getObjectValue:forString:errorDescription:), the number formatter will use the previous positive or negative format(s) rather than the new ones.
Workaround: Call -positiveFormat after setting the positive format or -negativeFormat after setting the negative format.
Reference: 75947
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: Issues with NSDecimalNumber addition and subtraction
Description: When two NSDecimalNumber objects have a large difference in their precision (for example, 1070464.1 and 10458008.8588800005822512160500000055879), the numbers can be added or subtracted incorrectly.
Workaround: None
Reference: 76051
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: Path utilities don't handle multi-byte strings
Description: The path utility methods can return corrupted strings for receiving strings which have multi-byte characters.
Workaround: None
Reference: 76181
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: NSValues and NSNumbers in 3.3 archives can't be unarchived
Description: In the 3.3 Foundation, NSValues and NSNumbers were archived in such a way that a helper class, NSValueDecoder, was needed to unarchive them. This class does not exist in the Foundation in 4.0 or 4.1, so such archives cannot be read in.
Workaround: None
Reference: 76716
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: Date parsing not handling 1-digit numbers well
Description: If an application parsed the string "96/5" with the format "%y/%m", the application would raise an out-of-bounds exception. If the string was "96/05", things worked fine.
Workaround: None
Reference: 77004
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: Attempting to transport or unarchive the local time zone object fails
Description: The object returned by [NSTimeZone localTimeZone] cannot be unarchived if archived, nor transported over the wire with Distributed Objects.
Workaround: None
Reference: 77079
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: NSArray methods not working with fault parameters
Description: The NSArray methods -indexOfObject:, -indexOfObject:inRange:, and -containsObject: cause a raise of a selector-not-recognized exception when the first parameter is a faulted object. The -firstObjectCommonWithArray: has the same issue when the array parameter is an array of faults.
Workaround: None
Reference: 77202
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
Platforms: All
Disposition: None
Issue: NSFileManager methods don't work on strict 8.3 DOS file systems
Description: The NSFileManager methods -createFileAtPath:contents:attributes: and -movePath:toPath:handler: can fail on FAT file systems which are strict about 8.3 file names, such as available on Mach. The FAT file systems of Windows NT and Windows 95 are more forgiving.
Workaround: None
Reference: 77309
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
Platforms: All
Disposition: None
Issue: Local proxies not immediately released when remote proxy released
Description: For performance reasons, Distributed Objects batches, on the remote side, release methods destined for local proxies. Whenever a synchronous method (i.e., non-oneway) is sent to a remote object, all pending releases on local objects are returned with the return value of the method (which may be void of course). Since the local proxy retains the object it represents (part of its function is to make sure the local object which has been vended remains valid at least as long as there is an outstanding remote proxy for it), a local object which has been vended over the wire, but released on the server side, will persist until the client sends a synchronous message to the server. If a client and server communicate only with oneway messages, local objects which are sent remotely by proxy (as a parameter for example) will persist "forever", or until the local connection is invalidated. This can be an issue for long-lived clients which maintain a persistent connection to a server.
Workaround: Occasionally send a synchronous message from the client to the server. The message does not have to have a return value or parameters, or do anything, but will serve to flush pended releases back to the client. Another workaround would be to occasionally invalidate the connection to the server and reconnect.
Reference: 77559
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.2
Platforms: Mach, HP-UX, Solaris
Disposition: None
Issue: Process name is empty string
Description: If argv[0] of a process is not an absolute path, and the Foundation can't find argv[0] by searching the PATH environment variable to compute the absolute path, the process name computation may result in the empty string. This can only happen if a process uses fork() and execve() (or related function) to create a Foundation-based process, and the first argument to execve() specifies an executabe which does not exist in the PATH list and the argv[0] passed into execve() is not that same full path, but a relative one. There isn't anything the Foundation can do in this case about computing the full path to the executable, for use in computing the main bundle for example. However, the process name should not be empty string, but rather the last component of argv[0] unchanged. An empty string for the process name causes trouble for other Foundation subsystems, like user defaults.
Workaround: Pass the same string in argv[0] as the first argument, to execve() or related function.
Reference: 77678
Releases: OPENSTEP 4.1
Platforms: All
Disposition: Fixed in OPENSTEP 4.2
Issue: NSNumber's -decimalValue method broken for non-English usage
Description: The -decimalValue method of NSNumber incorrectly computes its result for users whose defaults specify a decimal point other than period (`.'). This may cause NSNumberFormatters to not accept any input other than "2" in a text field. This affects the scale field in the AppKit's print panel in 4.1, for example.
Workaround: None