OPENSTEP 4.2 Release Notes For Pre-4.0 Foundation Users

In the document below, "4.0" and "OPENSTEP 4.0" refer to all products that shipped with the 4.0 Foundation: OPENSTEP 4.0, D'OLE 4.0, and PDO 4.0 for HP-UXTM and SolarisTM.

There were several releases of the Foundation Framework prior to OPENSTEP 4.0. Foundation shipped with:

    • NEXTSTEP 3.3
    • Enterprise Objects Framework 1.0
    • Enterprise Objects Framework 1.1
    • Portable Distributed Objects 3.0
    • D'OLE 3.5
    • OPENSTEP 4.0 Prerelease 1
    • OPENSTEP 4.0 Prerelease 2
    • PDO 4.0 Prerelease
This document only describes API changes that have been made between those releases and OPENSTEP 4.0. (For changes since OPENSTEP 4.0, see the release note Foundation.rtf.) The semantics of many things have changed, but most not in a way that will affect programs (NEXTSTEP 3.3 Foundation-based programs and EOF 1.1 programs, being older, are more likely to be affected). Unfortunately, there is no single source for information about such changes±refer to the Foundation Framework Reference and specific class specifications for the current behavior. This document does not describe extensions to Foundation provided by various NeXT products (for example, WebObjects or EOF).

Foundation is now packaged as a ProjectBuilder framework, and resides in /NextLibrary/Frameworks/Foundation.framework. The headers can be found in /NextLibrary/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Headers.

All programs based upon previous version of Foundation should be recompiled (even if no conversion is necessary) to function with this version of Foundation. Compiling against the old static "shlib" (the shared library shipped with NEXTSTEP 3.3, EOF 1.1, and PDO 3.0, and used by WebObjects) is not supported in OPENSTEP 4.0 (without EOF 1.1 installed).

This section is divided into a subsection for each of the previous releases of the Foundation Framework. There are no specific notes for Enterprise Objects Framework 1.0, Portable Distributed Objects 3.0, or WebObjects 1.0 developers; please refer to the section for Enterprise Objects Framework 1.1 developers. The API of the Foundation shipped with Portable Distributed Objects 3.0 and WebObjects 1.0 was identical to that in Enterprise Objects Framework 1.1 (other than extensions made by those products).

Notes Specific to NEXTSTEP 3.3 Developers

Items in the tables below (in the section titled Tables Showing Foundation API Changes) that are marked with "(NS33)" are changes made to Foundation between NEXTSTEP 3.3 and OPENSTEP 4.0. Also see the general comments in the section Notes Specific to Enterprise Objects Framework 1.1 Developers below. NEXTSTEP 3.3 developers should note the following additions to those comments:

Notes Specific to Enterprise Objects Framework 1.1 Developers

Items in the tables below (in the section titled Tables Showing Foundation API Changes) marked with "(EOF11)" are changes made to Foundation between EOF 1.1 and OPENSTEP 4.0.

Some additional changes are not contained in the tables or are of particular note:

Finally, the Foundation shipped with EOF 1.1 did not contain much of the functionality of the Foundation in OPENSTEP 4.0. These headers, and all the API they declare, were added between EOF 1.1 and OPENSTEP 4.0:


The API added by these headers is not included in the tables below.

Notes Specific to D'OLE 3.5 Developers

Items in the tables below (in the section titled Tables Showing Foundation API Changes) marked with "(40PR1)" are changes made to Foundation between OPENSTEP 4.0 PR1 and OPENSTEP 4.0. This symbol also marks changes that apply to D'OLE 3.5 developers, with the exceptions noted below. See also the general comments in the section Notes Specific to OPENSTEP 4.0 PR1 Developers below.

The following are exceptions to the changes noted between OPENSTEP 4.0 PR1 and OPENSTEP 4.0, for D'OLE 3.5 developers:

NSString NSPathUtilities.h+pathWithComponents:(+NeXT) (40PR1)
NSString NSPathUtilities.h-isAbsolutePath(+NeXT) (40PR1)
NSString NSPathUtilities.h-pathComponents(+NeXT) (40PR1)

Notes Specific to OPENSTEP 4.0 PR1 Developers

Items in the tables below (in the section titled Tables Showing Foundation API Changes) marked with "(40PR1)" are changes made to Foundation between OPENSTEP 4.0 PR1 and OPENSTEP 4.0.

Some additional changes are not contained in the tables or are of particular note:

  • All applications, frameworks, libraries, bundles, tools, etc. compiled in PR1 should be recompiled.
  • The header file NSAccount.h has been removed from Foundation. This header was NeXT-specific.
  • The header file NSByteStore.h has been removed from Foundation (both from OpenStep and from NeXT's implementation).
  • The import of the header NSDebug.h has been removed from Foundation.h; however, it still exists. This header contains features intended for debugging, but not for general use.
  • Foundation.h now imports the 15 ANSI C headers (assert.h, ctype.h, errno.h, float.h, limits.h, locale.h, math.h, setjmp.h, signal.h, stdarg.h, stddef.h, stdio.h, stdlib.h, string.h, time.h) as a convenience.
  • The header file NSObjCRuntime.h imported six obsolete headers (ansi/ansi.h, objc/typedstream.h, objc/objc-class.h, architecture/byte_order.h, objc/hashtable.h, streams/streams.h) in PR1. It no longer does so. This change may mean that some of these headers may need to be explicitly imported for code written on OPENSTEP 4.0 PR1 to recompile.
  • A STRICT_OPENSTEP preprocessor guard now surrounds all API in the headers NSDecimal.h and NSDecimalNumber.h.
  • The macro FOUNDATION_EXPORT is now always explicitly defined on WindowsTM (that is, it cannot be predefined with the -D compiler option) in NSObjCRuntime.h.
  • A new header and related functionality, NSTask.h, was added.
  • See also changes noted in the section Notes Specific to OPENSTEP 4.0 PR2 Developers. All changes listed apply to OPENSTEP 4.0 PR1 developers.

    Notes Specific to OPENSTEP 4.0 PR2 Developers

    Items in the tables below (in the section titled Tables Showing Foundation API Changes) marked with "(40PR2)" are changes made to Foundation between OPENSTEP 4.0 PR2 and OPENSTEP 4.0.

    Some additional changes are not contained in the tables or are of particular note. This list of changes applies to both OPENSTEP 4.0 PR1 and PR2 developers:

  • The size of NSPort and NSRunLoop instances has changed. The NSPort class has become abstract and no longer has any instance variables. Applications, tools, frameworks, bundles, or libraries with subclasses of these two classes must be recompiled.
  • The header file NSPosixFileDescriptor.h has been removed from Foundation. This header was NeXT-specific. The header NSFileHandle.h provides portable replacement functionality.
  • A few new headers have been added. The API in these headers is not included in the tables below:

  • Many declarations and definitions were removed from the header NSUtilities.h and moved elsewhere, but all the previous material is still defined by importing NSUtilities.h. The headers to which things were moved are NSEnumerator.h, NSObjCRuntime.h, NSDictionary.h, and NSString.h.
  • The header NSObjCRuntime.h now imports the headers objc/zone.h and stdarg.h.
  • The type of the parameter to NSTask's -setStandardInput:, -setStandardOutput:, and -setStandardError: methods has changed from NSPosixFileDescriptor * to id.
  • The declarations of the NSAutoreleasePool debugging methods and aids have moved from NSAutoreleasePool.h to NSDebug.h. Some of the methods are destined for obsolescence, and some new methods have been added.
  • These methods are no longer declared on WindowsTM platforms:
    NSDictionary NSFileManager.h-fileSystemFileNumber
    NSDictionary NSFileManager.h-fileSystemNumber
    NSFileManager NSFileManager.h-createSymbolicLinkAtPath:pathContent:
    NSFileManager NSFileManager.h-pathContentOfSymbolicLinkAtPath:
  • Although they are still declared on WindowsTM, an application should not use the string constants NSFileSystemNumber or NSFileSystemFileNumber, either.

    Notes Specific to PDO 4.0 PR1 Developers

    Items in the tables below (in the section titled Tables Showing Foundation API Changes) marked with "(P40PR1)" are changes made to Foundation between PDO 4.0 PR1 and OPENSTEP 4.0 and PDO 4.0.

    Some additional changes are not contained in the tables or are of particular note:

  • The Foundation is now shipped as a shared library in PDO 4.0 for SolarisTM. All applications, tools, frameworks, bundles, libraries, etc. should be recompiled to take advantage of this.
  • The size of NSPort and NSRunLoop instances has changed. The NSPort class has become abstract and no longer has any instance variables. Applications, tools, frameworks, bundles, or libraries with subclasses of these two classes must be recompiled.
  • The header file NSPosixFileDescriptor.h has been removed from Foundation. This header was NeXT-specific. The header NSFileHandle.h provides portable replacement functionality.
  • A few new headers have been added. The API in these headers is not included in the tables below:

  • The type of the parameter to NSTask's -setStandardInput:, -setStandardOutput:, and -setStandardError: methods has changed from NSPosixFileDescriptor * to id.

    Tables Showing Foundation API Changes

    There are four tables that list the API changes between previous versions of Foundation and the version of Foundation in OPENSTEP 4.0. The first table lists general changes to API elements (classes, macros, functions, constants, and so on) except methods, the second table lists the changes to the set of methods offered by the classes in Foundation, the third table lists changes to the return values of methods (for methods that didn't change name, which are listed in the second table), and the fourth table lists changes in the location of declarations. Other miscellaneous changes that weren't described well in table format are given in the sections above.

    Changes are noted from the perspective of a developer who used a previous release looking to port their Foundation-based code to OPENSTEP 4.0 (and not through any intermediate releases). For instance, changes that are marked as having been made between OPENSTEP 4.0 PR1 and PR2 do not necessarily apply to NEXTSTEP 3.3 developers (for example, an API might have been added for OPENSTEP 4.0 PR1, but removed for OPENSTEP 4.0 PR2).

    The rows in the tables are marked with various symbols in the rightmost column. One set of symbols describes between which releases and OPENSTEP 4.0 the change was made:

    (NS33) Change occurred between NEXTSTEP 3.3 and OPENSTEP 4.0

    (EOF11) Change occurred between EOF 1.1 and OPENSTEP 4.0

    (40PR1) Change occurred between OPENSTEP 4.0 PR1 and OPENSTEP 4.0

    (40PR2) Change occurred between OPENSTEP 4.0 PR2 and OPENSTEP 4.0

    The other set of symbols indicate how the API changed. Both NeXT's implementation of Foundation, and the OpenStep specification (since version 1.0 was published) have changed. These symbols attempt to describe what has happened:

    (OpenStep,NeXT) Generically, a change that did not add or remove API, but affects OpenStep and NeXT's implementation

    (OpenStep) Generically, a change that did not add or remove API and affects OpenStep, but not NeXT's implementation

    (NeXT) Generically, a change that did not add or remove API and affects NeXT's implementation, but not OpenStep

    (+OpenStep,+NeXT) Was in neither OpenStep nor NeXT's implementation, now in both

    (+OpenStep,NeXT) Was in NeXT's implementation only, now also in OpenStep

    (+OpenStep,-NeXT) Was in NeXT's implementation only, now in OpenStep only

    (OpenStep,+NeXT) Was in OpenStep only, now also in NeXT's implementation

    (OpenStep,-NeXT) Was in both, now in OpenStep only

    (-OpenStep,+NeXT) Was in OpenStep only, now in NeXT's implementation only

    (-OpenStep,NeXT) Was in both, now in NeXT's implementation only

    (-OpenStep,-NeXT) Was in both, now in neither

    (+OpenStep) Was in neither OpenStep nor NeXT's implementation, now in OpenStep only

    (-OpenStep) Was in OpenStep only, now in neither

    (+NeXT) Was in neither OpenStep nor NeXT's implementation, now in NeXT's implementation only

    (-NeXT) Was in NeXT's implementation only, now in neither

    Occasionally, to the right of the rightmost column is a note for removed API which names the replacement.


    ABS macro NSObjCRuntime.h (+NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    MAX macro NSObjCRuntime.h (+NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    MIN macro NSObjCRuntime.h (+NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSAccount class NSAccount.h (-NeXT) (40PR1) (NS33)
    NSAdobeStandardCyrillicStringEncoding constant NSString.h (-NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) Use NSWindowsCP1251StringEncoding instead
    NSAllocateMemoryPages function NSZone.h (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSArchiverArchiveInconsistency exception NSException.h (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSArchiverClassError exception NSException.h (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSArchiverDescriptorError exception NSException.h (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSArchiverWriteReferenceError exception NSException.h (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSArgumentInfo typedef NSMethodSignature.h (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSBTreeBlock class NSByteStore.h (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSBTreeComparator typedef NSByteStore.h (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSBTreeCursor class NSByteStore.h (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSBTreeStoreKeyTooLargeException exception NSByteStore.h (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSBecomingMultiThreaded notification NSThread.h (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1) Use NSWillBecomeMultiThreadedNotification instead
    NSBundleDidLoadNotification notification NSBundle.h (+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSBundleDidLoadNotification notification NSBundle.h (+OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR2)
    NSBundleLoaded notification NSBundle.h (-NeXT) (40PR1) Use NSBundleDidLoadNotification instead
    NSByteStore class NSByteStore.h (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSByteStoreDamagedException exception NSByteStore.h (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSByteStoreFile class NSByteStore.h (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSByteStoreLockedException exception NSByteStore.h (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSByteStoreVersionException exception NSByteStore.h (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSCharacterConversionException exception NSString.h (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSCodingException exception NSException.h (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSComparisonResult typedef NSObjCRuntime.h (+NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSConnectionDeath notification NSConnection.h (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1) Use NSConnectionDidDieNotification instead
    NSConnectionDidInitializeNotification notification NSConnection.h (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSCopyMemoryPages function NSZone.h (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSCurrencyString default name NSUserDefaults.h (-OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR2) Use NSCurrencySymbol instead
    NSCurrencyString default name NSUserDefaults.h (OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1) Use NSCurrencySymbol instead
    NSDateMissingTimeZone exception NSException.h (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDeallocateMemoryPages function NSZone.h (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDecimalNumberBehavior class NSDecimalNumber.h (-NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSDecimalNumberBehavior protocol NSDecimalNumber.h (-NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSDecimalNumberBehaviors protocol NSDecimalNumber.h (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSDecimalNumberHandler class NSDecimalNumber.h (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSDistantObjectRequest class NSConnection.h (+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSEUCStringEncoding constant NSString.h (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33) Use NSJapaneseEUCStringEncoding instead
    NSEqualRanges function NSRange.h (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSExceptionBase constant NSException.h (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSExtraRefCount function NSObject.h (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSFileGroupOwnerAccountName dict. key NSFileManager.h (+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSFileGroupOwnerAccountNumber dict. key NSFileManager.h (-NeXT) (40PR1) Use NSFileGroupOwnerAccountName instead
    NSFileOwnerAccountName dict. key NSFileManager.h (+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSFileOwnerAccountNumber dict. key NSFileManager.h (-NeXT) (40PR1) Use NSFileOwnerAccountName instead
    NSFullUserName function NSPathUtilities.h (+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSGetSizeAndAlignment function NSObjCRuntime.h (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSGroupAccount class NSAccount.h (-NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSHPUXOperatingSystem constant NSProcessInfo.h (+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSHashStringLength constant NSString.h (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSISO2022JPStringEncoding constant NSString.h (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSISOLatin2StringEncoding constant NSString.h (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSInconsistentArchiveException exception NSArchiver.h (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSInternationalCurrencyString default name NSUserDefaults.h (OpenStep,+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2)
    NSInternationalCurrencySymbol default name NSUserDefaults.h (-NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) Use NSInternationalCurrencyString instead
    NSIntersectsRect function NSGeometry.h (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSInvalidReceivePort exception NSException.h (-NeXT) (40PR1) Use NSInvalidReceivePortException instead
    NSInvalidReceivePortException exception NSException.h (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSInvalidSendPort exception NSException.h (-NeXT) (40PR1) Use NSInvalidSendPortException instead
    NSInvalidSendPortException exception NSException.h (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSJapaneseEUCStringEncoding constant NSString.h (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSLastException constant NSException.h (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSLoadedClasses constant NSBundle.h (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSLocalizedString macro NSBundle.h (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSLocalizedStringFromTable macro NSBundle.h (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle macro NSBundle.h (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSLogPageSize function NSZone.h (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSMACHOperatingSystem constant NSProcessInfo.h (+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSMakeRange function NSRange.h (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSMallocException exception NSException.h (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSNonRetainedObjectMapValueCallBacks struct NSMapTable.h (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSNotFound constant NSObjCRuntime.h (+NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSNotInArray constant NSArray.h (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSOSF1OperatingSystem constant NSProcessInfo.h (+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSObjCInadequateRuntimeInformation exception NSException.h (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSOldStyleException exception NSException.h (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSOpenStepRootDirectory function NSPathUtilities.h (+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSOpenStepUnicodeReservedBase constant NSCharacterSet.h (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSOwnedObjectIdentityHashCallBacks struct NSHashTable.h (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSOwnershipTransferException exception NSException.h (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSPPLBecameDirty notification NSPPL.h (-NeXT) (40PR1) Use NSPPLDidBecomeDirtyNotification instead
    NSPPLSaved notification NSPPL.h (-NeXT) (40PR1) Use NSPPLDidSaveNotification instead
    NSPageSize function NSZone.h (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSParseErrorException exception NSException.h (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSPointFromString function NSGeometry.h (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSPortInvalidation notification NSPort.h (-NeXT) (40PR1) Use NSPortDidBecomeInvalidNotification instead
    NSPortNameRegistrationError exception NSException.h (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSPortReceiveError exception NSException.h (-NeXT) (40PR1) Use NSPortReceiveException instead
    NSPortReceiveException exception NSException.h (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSPortSendError exception NSException.h (-NeXT) (40PR1) Use NSPortSendException instead
    NSPortSendException exception NSException.h (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSRangeFromString function NSRange.h (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSRealMemoryAvailable function NSZone.h (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSRectFromString function NSGeometry.h (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSRoundDownToMultipleOfPageSize function NSZone.h (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSRoundUpToMultipleOfPageSize function NSZone.h (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSShiftJISStringEncoding constant NSString.h (+NeXT) (NS33)
    NSShortDateFormatString default name NSUserDefaults.h (+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSSizeFromString function NSGeometry.h (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSSolarisOperatingSystem constant NSProcessInfo.h (+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSStandardApplicationPaths function NSPathUtilities.h (+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSStandardLibraryPaths function NSPathUtilities.h (+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSSunOSOperatingSystem constant NSProcessInfo.h (+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSTemporaryDirectory function NSPathUtilities.h (+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSThreadExiting notification NSThread.h (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) Use NSThreadWillExitNotification instead
    NSThreadWillExitNotification notification NSThread.h (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11)
    NSTimeIntervalSince1970 constant NSDate.h (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSUTF8StringEncoding constant NSString.h (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSUTFStringEncoding constant NSString.h (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33) Use NSUTF8StringEncoding instead
    NSUserAccount class NSAccount.h (-NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSUserDefaultsChanged notification NSUserDefaults.h (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1) Use NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification instead
    NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification notification NSUserDefaults.h (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSWillBecomeMultiThreadedNotification notification NSThread.h (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11)
    NSWinLatin1StringEncoding constant NSString.h (-NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) Use NSWindowsCP1252StringEncoding instead
    NSWindows95OperatingSystem constant NSProcessInfo.h (+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSWindowsCP1250StringEncoding constant NSString.h (+NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSWindowsCP1251StringEncoding constant NSString.h (+NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSWindowsCP1252StringEncoding constant NSString.h (+NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSWindowsCP1253StringEncoding constant NSString.h (+NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSWindowsCP1254StringEncoding constant NSString.h (+NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSWindowsNTOperatingSystem constant NSProcessInfo.h (+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSZoneFromPointer function NSZone.h (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSZoneFromPtr function NSZone.h (-NeXT) (EOF11) Use NSZoneFromPointer instead
    NS_VALRETURN macro NSException.h (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33) Use NS_VALUERETURN instead
    NS_VALUERETURN macro NSException.h (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NXReadNSObjectFromCoder function NSCompatibility.h (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    Nil constant NSObjCRuntime.h (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    exception variable NSException.h (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33) Use localException instead for exception object in handler region
    localException variable NSException.h (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    obsolete macro NSObject.h (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)


    NSArchiver NSArchiver.h +classNameEncodedForTrueClassName: (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33) Use -classNameEncodedForTrueClassName: instead
    NSArchiver NSArchiver.h -classNameEncodedForTrueClassName: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSArchiver NSArchiver.h -encodeClassName:intoClassName: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSArchiver NSArchiver.h -replaceObject:withObject: (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSArray NSArray.h +arrayWithArray: (+NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSArray NSArray.h +arrayWithContentsOfFile: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSArray NSArray.h +arrayWithObjects:count: (+NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSArray NSArray.h -arrayByAddingObject: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSArray NSArray.h -arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSArray NSArray.h -descriptionWithIndent: (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33) Use -descriptionWithLocale:indent: instead
    NSArray NSArray.h -descriptionWithLocale: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSArray NSArray.h -descriptionWithLocale:indent: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSArray NSArray.h -getObjects: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSArray NSArray.h -getObjects:range: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSArray NSArray.h -indexOfObject:inRange: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSArray NSArray.h -indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:inRange: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSArray NSArray.h -initWithContentsOfFile: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSArray NSArray.h -sortedArrayHint (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSArray NSArray.h -sortedArrayUsingFunction:context:hint: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSArray NSArray.h -writeToFile:atomically: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSArray NSPathUtilities.h -pathsMatchingExtensions: (+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSBundle NSBundle.h +pathForResource:ofType:inDirectory: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSBundle NSBundle.h +pathForResource:ofType:inDirectory:withVersion: (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSBundle NSBundle.h +setSystemLanguages: (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSBundle NSBundle.h +stripAfterLoading: (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSBundle NSBundle.h -bundleVersion (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSBundle NSBundle.h -infoDictionary (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSBundle NSBundle.h -localizedStringForKey:value:comment: (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33) Use -localizedStringForKey:value:table: instead
    NSBundle NSBundle.h -localizedStringForKey:value:comment:table: (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33) Use -localizedStringForKey:value:table: instead
    NSBundle NSBundle.h -localizedStringForKey:value:table: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSBundle NSBundle.h -pathForResource:ofType:inDirectory: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSBundle NSBundle.h -pathsForResourcesOfType:inDirectory: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSBundle NSBundle.h -resourcePath; (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSBundle NSBundle.h -setBundleVersion: (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSCalendarDate NSDate.h +calendarDate (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSCalendarDate NSDate.h +dateWithString:calendarFormat:locale: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSCalendarDate NSDate.h -addYear:month:day:hour:minute:second: (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33) Use -dateByAddingYears:months:days:hours:minutes:seconds: instead
    NSCalendarDate NSDate.h -dateByAddingYears:months:days:hours:minutes:seconds: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSCalendarDate NSDate.h -dayOfCommonEra (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSCalendarDate NSDate.h -descriptionWithCalendarFormat:locale: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSCalendarDate NSDate.h -descriptionWithCalendarFormat:timeZone: (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSCalendarDate NSDate.h -descriptionWithLocale: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSCalendarDate NSDate.h -initWithString:calendarFormat:locale: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSCalendarDate NSDate.h -years:months:days:hours:minutes:seconds:sinceDate: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSCharacterSet NSCharacterSet.h +characterSetWithContentsOfFile: (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSCharacterSet NSCharacterSet.h +punctuationCharacterSet (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSCharacterSet NSCharacterSet.h +punctuationCharacterSet (+OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSCoder NSCoder.h -decodeBytesWithReturnedLength: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSCoder NSCoder.h -encodeByrefObject: (+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSCoder NSCoder.h -encodeBytes:length: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSConnection NSConnection.h +currentConversation (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSConnection NSConnection.h -addRequestMode: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSConnection NSConnection.h -addRunLoop: (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSConnection NSConnection.h -connection:shouldMakeNewConnection: (+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSConnection NSConnection.h -createConversationForConnection: (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSConnection NSConnection.h -enableMultipleThreads (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSConnection NSConnection.h -invalidate (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSConnection NSConnection.h -localObjects (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2)
    NSConnection NSConnection.h -multipleThreadsEnabled (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSConnection NSConnection.h -remoteObjects (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2)
    NSConnection NSConnection.h -removeRequestMode: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSConnection NSConnection.h -removeRunLoop: (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSConnection NSConnection.h -requestMode: (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSConnection NSConnection.h -requestModes (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSConnection NSConnection.h -runInNewThread (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSConnection NSConnection.h -setRequestMode:: (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1) Use -addRequestMode: instead
    NSCopyingProtocol NSObject.h -copy (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSData NSData.h +dataWithData: (+NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDate NSDate.h +dateWithNaturalLanguageString: (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDate NSDate.h +dateWithNaturalLanguageString:locale: (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDate NSDate.h +dateWithString: (+NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDate NSDate.h +dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDate NSDate.h -descriptionWithCalendarFormat:timeZone: (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDate NSDate.h -descriptionWithCalendarFormat:timeZone:locale: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDate NSDate.h -descriptionWithLocale: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDate NSDate.h -isEqualToDate: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSDate NSDate.h -timeIntervalSince1970 (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDecimalNumber NSDecimalNumber.h +decimalNumberBehaviorWithRoundingMode:scale:raiseOnExactness:raiseOnOverflow:raiseOnUnderflow:raiseOnDivideByZero: (-NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1) Use +decimalNumberHandlerWithRoundingMode:... instead
    NSDecimalNumber NSDecimalNumber.h +decimalNumberHandlerWithRoundingMode:scale:raiseOnExactness:raiseOnOverflow:raiseOnUnderflow:raiseOnDivideByZero: (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSDecimalNumber NSDecimalNumber.h -decimalNumberBySubstracting: (-NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSDecimalNumber NSDecimalNumber.h -decimalNumberBySubstracting:withBehavior: (-NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSDecimalNumber NSDecimalNumber.h -decimalNumberBySubtracting: (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSDecimalNumber NSDecimalNumber.h -decimalNumberBySubtracting:withBehavior: (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSDecimalNumber NSDecimalNumber.h -maximumDecimalNumber (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSDecimalNumber NSDecimalNumber.h -minimumDecimalNumber (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSDecimalNumberBehavior NSDecimalNumber.h +defaultDecimalNumberBehavior (-NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSDecimalNumberHandler NSDecimalNumber.h +defaultDecimalNumberHandler (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSDictionary NSDictionary.h +dictionaryWithContentsOfFile: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDictionary NSDictionary.h +dictionaryWithDictionary: (+NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDictionary NSDictionary.h +dictionaryWithObject:forKey: (+NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDictionary NSDictionary.h +dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:... (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDictionary NSDictionary.h -descriptionWithIndent: (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33) Use -descriptionWithLocale:indent: instead
    NSDictionary NSDictionary.h -descriptionWithLocale: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDictionary NSDictionary.h -descriptionWithLocale:indent: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDictionary NSDictionary.h -initWithObjects:forKeys: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDictionary NSDictionary.h -initWithObjectsAndKeys:... (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDictionary NSDictionary.h -keysSortedByValueUsingSelector: (+NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDictionary NSDictionary.h -objectsForKeys:notFoundMarker: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDictionary NSFileManager.h -fileGroupOwnerAccountName (+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSDictionary NSFileManager.h -fileGroupOwnerAccountNumber (-NeXT) (40PR1) Use -fileGroupOwnerAccountName instead
    NSDictionary NSFileManager.h -fileOwnerAccountName (+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSDictionary NSFileManager.h -fileOwnerAccountNumber (-NeXT) (40PR1) Use -fileOwnerAccountName instead
    NSDistantObjectRequest NSConnection.h -conversation (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) Note class was added after OPENSTEP 4.0 PR1
    NSEnumerator NSEnumerator.h -allObjects (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33) For OpenStep compatibility, import NSUtilities.h
    NSException NSException.h -exceptionName (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSException NSException.h -exceptionReason (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSException NSException.h -exceptionUserInfo (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSException NSException.h -name (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSException NSException.h -reason (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSException NSException.h -userInfo (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSMethodSignature NSMethodSignature.h +signatureWithObjCTypes: (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSMethodSignature NSMethodSignature.h -argumentInfoAtIndex: (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1) Use -getArgumentTypeAtIndex: instead
    NSMethodSignature NSMethodSignature.h -getArgumentTypeAtIndex: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSMutableArray NSArray.h -removeObject:inRange: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSMutableArray NSArray.h -removeObjectIdenticalTo:inRange: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSMutableArray NSArray.h -removeObjectsInRange: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSMutableArray NSArray.h -replaceObjectsInRange:withObjectsFromArray: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSMutableArray NSArray.h -replaceObjectsInRange:withObjectsFromArray:range: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSMutableArray NSArray.h -setArray: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSMutableArray NSArray.h -sortUsingSelector: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSMutableCopyingProtocol NSObject.h -mutableCopy (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSMutableData NSData.h -setData: (+NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSMutableDictionary NSDictionary.h -setDictionary: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSMutableSet NSSet.h -setSet: (+NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSNotification NSNotification.h +notificationWithName:object:userInfo: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSNotification NSNotification.h -name (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSNotification NSNotification.h -notificationName (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSNotification NSNotification.h -notificationObject (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSNotification NSNotification.h -object (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSNotification NSNotification.h -userInfo (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSNotificationCenter NSNotification.h -addObserver:selector:name:object: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSNotificationCenter NSNotification.h -addObserver:selector:notificationName:object: (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSNotificationCenter NSNotification.h -postNotificationName:object:userInfo: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSNotificationCenter NSNotification.h -removeObserver:name:object: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSNotificationCenter NSNotification.h -removeObserver:notificationName:object: (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -descriptionWithLocale: (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -descriptionWithLocale: (+OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -initWithBool: (+NeXT) (NS33)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -initWithBool: (+OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -initWithChar: (+NeXT) (NS33)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -initWithChar: (+OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -initWithDouble: (+NeXT) (NS33)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -initWithDouble: (+OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -initWithFloat: (+NeXT) (NS33)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -initWithFloat: (+OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -initWithInt: (+NeXT) (NS33)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -initWithInt: (+OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -initWithLong: (+NeXT) (NS33)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -initWithLong: (+OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -initWithLongLong: (+NeXT) (NS33)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -initWithLongLong: (+OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -initWithShort: (+NeXT) (NS33)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -initWithShort: (+OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -initWithUnsignedChar: (+NeXT) (NS33)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -initWithUnsignedChar: (+OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -initWithUnsignedInt: (+NeXT) (NS33)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -initWithUnsignedInt: (+OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -initWithUnsignedLong: (+NeXT) (NS33)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -initWithUnsignedLong: (+OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -initWithUnsignedLongLong: (+NeXT) (NS33)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -initWithUnsignedLongLong: (+OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -initWithUnsignedShort: (+NeXT) (NS33)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -initWithUnsignedShort: (+OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSNumber NSValue.h -isEqualToNumber: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSObject NSConnection.h -connection:handleRequest: (+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSObject NSObject.h +copyWithZone: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSObject NSObject.h +load (+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSObject NSObject.h +load (+OpenStep,NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2)
    NSObject NSObject.h +mutableCopyWithZone: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSObject NSObject.h -copy (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSObject NSObject.h -description (-NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSObject NSObject.h -mutableCopy (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSObject NSRunLoop.h -performSelector:object:afterDelay: (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSObject NSRunLoop.h -performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSObject NSRunLoop.h -performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:inModes: (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSObjectProtocol NSObject.h -description (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSObjectProtocol NSObject.h -perform: (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33) Use -performSelector: instead
    NSObjectProtocol NSObject.h -perform:withObject: (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33) Use -performSelector:withObject: instead
    NSObjectProtocol NSObject.h -perform:withObject:withObject: (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33) Use -performSelector:withObject:withObject: instead
    NSObjectProtocol NSObject.h -performSelector: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSObjectProtocol NSObject.h -performSelector:withObject: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSObjectProtocol NSObject.h -performSelector:withObject:withObject: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSPort NSPort.h -addConnection:toRunLoop:forMode: (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSPort NSPort.h -removeConnection:fromRunLoop:forMode: (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSPort NSPort.h -reservedSpaceLength (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSPort NSPort.h -sendBeforeDate:components:from:reserved: (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSPortCoder NSPortCoder.h +portCoderWithReceivePort:sendPort:components: (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSPortCoder NSPortCoder.h -dispatch (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSPortCoder NSPortCoder.h -isByref (+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSPortNameServer NSPortNameServer.h -portForName:host: (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSPortNameServer NSPortNameServer.h -registerPort:name: (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSProcessInfo NSProcessInfo.h -operatingSystem (+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSProxy NSProxy.h +load (+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSProxy NSProxy.h +load (+OpenStep,NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2)
    NSProxy NSProxy.h +respondsToSelector: (+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSRunLoop NSRunLoop.h -addPosixFileDescriptor:forMode: (-NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSRunLoop NSRunLoop.h -addRunLoopActivityMonitor: (-NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSRunLoop NSRunLoop.h -cancelPerformSelector:target:argument: (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSRunLoop NSRunLoop.h -performSelector:target:argument:order:modes: (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSRunLoop NSRunLoop.h -removePosixFileDescriptor:forMode: (-NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSScanner NSScanner.h +localizedScannerWithString: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSScanner NSScanner.h -locale (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSScanner NSScanner.h -scanHexInt: (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSScanner NSScanner.h -scanHexInt: (+OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSScanner NSScanner.h -setLocale: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSSet NSSet.h +setWithObjects:count: (+NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSSet NSSet.h +setWithSet: (+NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSString NSPathUtilities.h +pathWithComponents: (+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSString NSPathUtilities.h -fileSystemRepresentation (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSString NSPathUtilities.h -getFileSystemRepresentation:maxLength: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSString NSPathUtilities.h -isAbsolutePath (+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSString NSPathUtilities.h -pathComponents (+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSString NSPathUtilities.h -stringsByAppendingPaths: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSString NSString.h +availableStringEncodings (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSString NSString.h +localizedNameOfStringEncoding: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSString NSString.h +localizedStringWithFormat:... (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSString NSString.h +string (+NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSString NSString.h +stringWithContentsOfFile: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSString NSString.h +stringWithString: (+NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSString NSString.h -caseInsensitiveCompare: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSString NSString.h -doubleValue (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSString NSString.h -getLineStart:end:contentsEnd:forRange: (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSString NSString.h -initWithFormat:locale:... (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSString NSString.h -initWithFormat:locale:arguments: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSString NSString.h -lineRangeForRange: (+NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSString NSString.h -lossyCString (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSString NSString.h -substringFromRange: (-OpenStep,-NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33) Use -substringWithRange: instead
    NSString NSString.h -substringWithRange: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSString NSString.h -writeToFile:atomically: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSThread NSThread.h +exit (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11)
    NSThread NSThread.h +sleepUntilDate: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11)
    NSThread NSThread.h -exit (-NeXT) (EOF11)
    NSTimer NSTimer.h -isValid (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSUnarchiver NSArchiver.h -classNameDecodedForArchiveClassName: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSUnarchiver NSArchiver.h -decodeClassName:asClassName: (OpenStep,+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSUnarchiver NSArchiver.h -replaceObject:withObject: (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSUserDefaults NSUserDefaults.h -setSearchList: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSValue NSValue.h +valueWithBytes:objCType: (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSValue NSValue.h +valueWithBytes:objCType: (+OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSValue NSValue.h -initWithBytes:objCType: (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSValue NSValue.h -initWithBytes:objCType: (+OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSValue NSValue.h -isEqualToValue: (+OpenStep,+NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    Object NSCompatibility.h +allocWithZone: (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    Object NSCompatibility.h +instanceMethodForSelector: (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    Object NSCompatibility.h +instancesRespondToSelector: (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    Object NSCompatibility.h +poseAsClass: (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    Object NSCompatibility.h -autorelease (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    Object NSCompatibility.h -conformsToProtocol: (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    Object NSCompatibility.h -copyWithZone: (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    Object NSCompatibility.h -dealloc (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    Object NSCompatibility.h -doesNotRecognizeSelector: (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    Object NSCompatibility.h -isKindOfClass: (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    Object NSCompatibility.h -isMemberOfClass: (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    Object NSCompatibility.h -methodForSelector: (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    Object NSCompatibility.h -perform:withObject: (-NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33) Use -performSelector:withObject: instead
    Object NSCompatibility.h -perform:withObject:withObject: (-NeXT) (40PR1) Use -performSelector:withObject:withObject: instead
    Object NSCompatibility.h -performSelector:withObject: (+NeXT) (40PR1)
    Object NSCompatibility.h -performSelector:withObject:withObject: (+NeXT) (40PR1)
    Object NSCompatibility.h -release (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    Object NSCompatibility.h -respondsToSelector: (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    Object NSCompatibility.h -retain (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    Object NSCompatibility.h -retainCount (+NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)


    NSBundle NSBundle.h -classNamed: (id) (Class) (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSBundle NSBundle.h -principalClass (id) (Class) (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSCalendarDate NSDate.h +calendarDate (NSCalendarDate *) (id) (NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSCalendarDate NSDate.h +dateWithString:calendarFormat: (NSCalendarDate *) (id) (NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSCalendarDate NSDate.h +dateWithString:calendarFormat:locale: (NSCalendarDate *) (id) (NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSCalendarDate NSDate.h +dateWithYear:month:day:hour:minute:second:timeZone: (NSCalendarDate *) (id) (NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDate NSDate.h +date (NSDate *) (id) (NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDate NSDate.h +dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970: (NSDate *) (id) (NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSDate NSDate.h +dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: (NSDate *) (id) (NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDate NSDate.h +dateWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: (NSDate *) (id) (NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDate NSDate.h +distantFuture (NSDate *) (id) (NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDate NSDate.h +distantPast (NSDate *) (id) (NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDate NSDate.h -addTimeInterval: (NSDate *) (id) (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDate NSDate.h -initWithTimeInterval:sinceDate: (NSDate *) (id) (NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDate NSDate.h -initWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: (NSDate *) (id) (NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSDecimalNumber NSDecimalNumber.h -initWithDecimal: (NSDecimalNumber *) (id) (OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSDecimalNumber NSDecimalNumber.h -initWithMantissa:exponent:isNegative: (NSDecimalNumber *) (id) (OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSDecimalNumber NSDecimalNumber.h -initWithString: (NSDecimalNumber *) (id) (OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSDecimalNumber NSDecimalNumber.h -initWithString:locale: (NSDecimalNumber *) (id) (OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSDictionary NSFileManager.h -filePosixPermissions (unsigned int) (unsigned long) (NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSDictionary NSFileManager.h -fileSize (long long) (unsigned long long) (NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSDictionary NSFileManager.h -fileSystemFileNumber (unsigned int) (unsigned long) (NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSDictionary NSFileManager.h -fileSystemNumber (unsigned int) (unsigned long) (NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSMethodSignature NSMethodSignature.h -methodReturnType (char *) (const char *) (OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSMutableString NSString.h +stringWithCapacity: (NSMutableString *) (id) (OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSNotification NSNotification.h +notificationWithName:object: (NSNotification *) (id) (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSObject NSObject.h +initialize (id) (void) (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSObject NSObject.h +load (id) (void) (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSObject NSObject.h +superclass (id) (Class) (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSObjectProtocol NSObject.h -superclass (id) (Class) (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSPPL NSPPL.h +pplWithPath:create:readOnly: (NSPPL *) (id) (NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSPPL NSPPL.h +pplWithPath:fromPPLData:readOnly: (NSPPL *) (id) (NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSString NSString.h +localizedStringWithFormat:... (NSString *) (id) (OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSString NSString.h +stringWithCString: (NSString *) (id) (OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSString NSString.h +stringWithCString:length: (NSString *) (id) (OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSString NSString.h +stringWithCharacters:length: (NSString *) (id) (OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSString NSString.h +stringWithContentsOfFile: (NSString *) (id) (OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSString NSString.h +stringWithFormat:... (NSString *) (id) (OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSTask NSTask.h -standardInput (NSPosixFileDescriptor *) (id) (NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2)
    NSTask NSTask.h -standardOutput (NSPosixFileDescriptor *) (id) (NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2)
    NSTask NSTask.h -standardError (NSPosixFileDescriptor *) (id) (NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2)
    NSTask NSTask.h +launchedTaskWithLaunchPath:arguments: (id) (NSTask *) (NeXT) (P40PR1) (40PR2)
    NSTimeZone NSDate.h +timeZoneWithAbbreviation: (NSTimeZone *) (NSTimeZoneDetail *) (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NSUserDefaults NSUserDefaults.h -searchList (NSMutableArray *) (NSArray *) (OpenStep,NeXT) (40PR1)
    Object NSCompatibility.h +poseAsClass: (id) (void) (NeXT) (NS33)


    ABS NSUtilities.h NSObjCRuntime.h (NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    MAX NSUtilities.h NSObjCRuntime.h (NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    MIN NSUtilities.h NSObjCRuntime.h (NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1)
    NSCharacterConversionException NSException.h NSString.h (NeXT) (40PR1)
    NSComparisonResult NSObject.h NSObjCRuntime.h (NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33) For OpenStep compatibility, import NSObject.h
    NSEnumerator class NSUtilities.h NSEnumerator.h (NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33) For OpenStep compatibility, import NSUtilities.h
    NSLog() NSUtilities.h NSObjCRuntime.h (NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33) For OpenStep compatibility, import NSUtilities.h
    NSLogv() NSUtilities.h NSObjCRuntime.h (NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33) For OpenStep compatibility, import NSUtilities.h
    NSNotFound NSObject.h NSObjCRuntime.h (NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33) For OpenStep compatibility, import NSObject.h
    NXReadNSObject() NSArchiver.h NSCompatibility.h (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    NXWriteNSObject() NSArchiver.h NSCompatibility.h (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    [NSCoder -decodeNXObject:] NSArchiver.h NSCompatibility.h (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    [NSCoder -encodeNXObject:] NSArchiver.h NSCompatibility.h (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    [NSDictionary -descriptionInStringsFileFormat] NSUtilities.h NSDictionary.h (NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33) For OpenStep compatibility, import NSUtilities.h
    [NSString -propertyListFromStringsFileFormat] NSUtilities.h NSString.h (NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33) For OpenStep compatibility, import NSUtilities.h
    [NSString -propertyList] NSUtilities.h NSString.h (NeXT) (40PR2) (40PR1) (EOF11) (NS33) For OpenStep compatibility, import NSUtilities.h
    [Object +allocWithZone:] NSUtilities.h NSCompatibility.h (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    [Object +instanceMethodForSelector:] NSUtilities.h NSCompatibility.h (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    [Object +instancesRespondToSelector:] NSUtilities.h NSCompatibility.h (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    [Object +poseAsClass:] NSUtilities.h NSCompatibility.h (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    [Object -autorelease] NSUtilities.h NSCompatibility.h (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    [Object -conformsToProtocol:] NSUtilities.h NSCompatibility.h (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    [Object -copyWithZone:] NSUtilities.h NSCompatibility.h (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    [Object -dealloc] NSUtilities.h NSCompatibility.h (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    [Object -doesNotRecognizeSelector:] NSUtilities.h NSCompatibility.h (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    [Object -isKindOfClass:] NSUtilities.h NSCompatibility.h (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    [Object -isMemberOfClass:] NSUtilities.h NSCompatibility.h (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    [Object -methodForSelector:] NSUtilities.h NSCompatibility.h (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    [Object -release] NSUtilities.h NSCompatibility.h (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    [Object -respondsToSelector:] NSUtilities.h NSCompatibility.h (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    [Object -retainCount] NSUtilities.h NSCompatibility.h (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)
    [Object -retain] NSUtilities.h NSCompatibility.h (NeXT) (EOF11) (NS33)

  • Published Date: Feb 20, 2012