Availability Information
An updated BETA version of this driver, version 3.31, is avaiable on Apple's FTP servers at:
Driver Name / Installer .pkg: DEC21X4XNetwork
Driver Type: Networking
Driver Scope: Specific Product
Supported Components: DEC DECchip21040, DEC DECchip21041, DEC DECchip21140, DEC DECchip21142, DEC DECchip21143
PC Bus / Interface Supported by Driver**: PCI
General Overview notes: This driver supports PCI-bus network adapters or on-board network adapters based on DECchip 21X4X LAN Controller. This includes the 21040, 21041, 21140, 21142, and 21143 LAN Controllers. Both 10Mb/s and 100Mb/s connection speeds are supported.
Supported Products / Add-on Adapters:
Adaptec-Cogent ANA-6911A/TX
Cogent EM110-TX Fast Ethernet 10/100 Adapter
Cogent EM960 PCI
DEC DE500 (21143 based) PCI 10/100
DEC DE500 Fast EtherWORKS PCI 10/100
DANPEX PCI Ethernet (EN-9400P3)
SMC 9332 Fast Ethernet 10/100 Adapter
SMC PCI EtherPower (SMC 8432)
Supported Products / Systems (ie integrated into PC System):
DEC Celebris GL On-Board LAN Adapter (21142/21143, 10 Mb/s module)
DEC Celebris GL On-Board LAN Adapter (21142/21143, 10/100 Mb/s module)
Special Features of Driver / Driver Notes:
This device driver provides information in the Configure application's help panel. Choose Info>Help from the Configure menu and scroll down to find this device driver's help topic.
Networking Driver Details
Network Type**: 100 Base FX, 100 Base T4, 100 Base TX, EtherNet, Full Duplex
Speed*: 10 Mb/s, 100 Mb/s
Access Mode**: Bus Master DMA
Buffer Size*: NA
Supported Connectors**: AUI, BNC, UTP
Known Problems
Due to ongoing development and testing of OPENSTEP 4.0, the beta version (v3.30) of this driver will neither be tested on NEXTSTEP 3.3 nor upgraded to "Released" status.
Driver Version Notes
3.30 - Initial release
3.31 - Fixed a SROM parsing bug which prevented the driver from working with the ANA-6911A/TX cards.
** - Indicates information that is inclusive of the entire capability of this driver. Not all devices supported by this driver may include all features listed. Check any available NeXTanswers and the hardware manual for the device for additional information.
Product Vendor