DAL: MVS Server Questions

I have a few questions about DAL for MVS specifically relating to the MVS/TSO DAL Server:

1) What is the overhead of DAL on the Host, both disk blocks (space) and memory while running?

2) In what form or where does the Server run on the IBM Host?

3) How does DAL deal with security packages such as ACF2?

4) I'm using EDS Net to navigate through the network to the host. How do I configure a DAL application, such as one of the Query packages, to navigate through the EDS network parameters?
1) To install and use DAL, you need:

* Any release of MVS that supports DB2 Version Release 3 or higher

* 52 tracks of available space on a 3380

* TSO logins with at least 2048K of memory

* Either the DB2 DSNLOAD library allocated to native TSO or these modules copied to the load library containing the DAL load modules:

* DSN3ID00.

* Appropriate hardware and software for the supported network connection.

Keep in mind that large database queries can create temporary datasets on disk, but they are erased after the query is complete.

2) DAL will run in the users TSO address space. Each user needs a TSO id.

3) We have a number of customers using DAL that have ACF2 on their systems and they coexist without any problems. ACF2 has to be set up to support the RACROUTE call. This call is standard so it is likely that the customer's ACF2 is already set up to support it.

4) We don't know how to configure DAL to work within these parameters. If EDS Net doesn't support Macintosh-to-host using one of the connections listed below, DAL probably won't work in that environment:

* Apple Coax/Twinax Card connection using Apple MacDFT.
* Apple TokenTalk Card NB connection using Apple MacDFT
* Apple Serial NB Card connection using Apple MacDFT.
* Netway 1000/2000 connection.
* Avatar MacMainFrame connection.
* DCA MacIrma connection.
* SNA*ps 3270 Gateway connection.
* Asynchronous dial-in to a protocol converter (as long as the protocol converter accepts VT100 terminal type input).
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012