There is no need to throw away any files to change the network name of a
Macintosh. The procedure differs, depending on the version of System
- With System 6, the easiest way to rename the Macintosh is to open the
Chooser and type a new name in the "User Name:" field. The new name is
not used until the Macintosh is restarted.
- With System 7, open the Sharing Setup control panel and change the
"Macintosh Name:" field. The new name is used immediately.
With both System 6 and System 7, the name is stored in the System file in
an STR resource with an ID of -16096. When starting up under System 6, if
the Macintosh has no name, the Responder will ask the user to type in a
name. If a name is typed in, the Responder will write the name to the
resource STR ID = -16096. System 7 does not do this. The only way to name
the Macintosh is via the Sharing Setup Control Panel.