PostScript: How To Print a File on a LaserWriter (5/93)

Article Change History
05/28/93 - REVISED
* To include information on Apple's LaserWriter Utility.

I have a raw PostScript file that I want to print out on a LaserWriter II, but
none of my applications will open this file.

Apple's LaserWriter Utility (version 7.4.1 at this writing) can print
PostScript files directly by choosing "Download PostScript File..." from the
Utilities menu. LaserWriter Utility should be included with all LaserWriters
from Apple; if you do not have it, you can download it from AppleLink.

You can also try using PS Dump from CE Software. This utility prints
PostScript files to the LaserWriter. For more information, search on "CE

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012