System Preferences
This table lists system-wide preferences that may affect all applications:
NOTE: Items marked with an asterisk (*) (the last items in the table) apply to the PowerBook.
------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------
32-bit addressing Memory Control Panel 24-bit addressing
Disk cache size Memory Control Panel 6K
Brightness settings Brightness Control Panel Mid-range on the slider
Highlight color Color Control Panel Black
Cursor blink rate General Control Panel Middle setting
Menu blink count General Control Panel 3 times
Date, time, and General Control Panel None
displayed format and Alarm DA
Keyboard repeat rate Keyboard Control Panel For repeat: One away
and repeat delay from Fast
For delay: One away
from Long
Monitor settings and Monitors Control Panel Primary monitor only;
location of extra set to Black & White
Mouse tracking and Mouse Control Panel For tracking: Very Slow
double-click speeds For double-click:
Middle setting
Beep sound Sound Control Panel Simple beep, though it
is not highlighted
Startup disk choice Startup Disk Control Panel None set, uses standard
volume search method
Cache settings
(68040 Macintosh) Cache Switch Control Panel Faster (Caches Enabled)
Minutes before PowerBook Control Panel 8 Minutes
system sleep*
Minutes before PowerBook Control Panel 4 Minutes
hard disk sleep*
Macintosh PowerBook PowerBook Control Panel Rest (While in the
rest* PowerBook Portable
Control Panel, hold
down the Option key
and click Minutes Before
System Sleep.)
Stay awake when PowerBook Control Panel Unselected
plugged in*
Modem selection PowerBook Setup Control Internal modem
Wake on ring PowerBook Setup Control Unselected (See Portable
Panel Control Panel for
internal modem.)
Except for Date and Time and the default application font all system-wide preferences may be reset by resetting PRAM.
* To reset PRAM under System 7, hold down the Command-Option-p-r keys during start up (Make sure the Caps Lock key is up!). The Macintosh restarts shortly after displaying the "Welcome to Macintosh" screen, which indicates that PRAM has been reset.
Finder Preferences
------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------
Font used for Views Control Panel Geneva 9
Finder view
Icon alignment Views Control Panel Straight grid - "Always
settings for Finder snap to grid" deselected
Icon list view Views Control Panel Smallest icon; display
settings for Finder sizes, kinds, labels,
and dates; deselect
"Calculate Folder Sizes"
and "Show Disk Info in
Trash Can warning Setting in Get Info Warn before emptying
dialog for the Trash Can
With the exception of virtual memory, these parameters may be reset by deleting the Finder Preferences file, which is located in the Preferences folder inside the System Folder. System 7 does not allow this file to be modified so if it is on the start-up disk, you need to disable it instead. To do this, drag the Finder Preferences file out of the Preferences folder and restart the Macintosh. System 7 creates a new Finder Preferences with default values automatically. You may then delete the old Finder Preferences file.
NOTE: The Virtual Memory, File Sharing, and Window Color settings are stored with their respective Control Panel files and cannot be reset using these methods. Virtual Memory and File Sharing can be temporarily disabled, however, by pressing the Shift Key while starting the Macintosh. Hold the key down until "Extensions Of" appears in the "Welcome to Macintosh" screen.
This article was published in the "Information Alley":
Volume 1, Issue 3