System 7: Short File and Folder Names for MS-DOS Access

The file and folder names in the Get Info dialog box are not the same as
the name shown under the directories on the Finder desktop. When I click
on the name in the Get Info dialog box, the name changes. Why?

The file or folder you're viewing is located on a file server or is being
shared under System 7.  To allow both MS-DOS computers and Macintosh
computers to access file servers, all files and folders are named twice.
Since MS-DOS limits both the length and the kinds of characters in
file and folder names, we have to change the standard Macintosh names to
shorter versions that work under MS-DOS.  Clicking on the file or folder
name in the Get Info dialog box toggles between the Macintosh and MS-DOS
versions of the name.

 Macintosh name = System Folder    Short name=!System.Fol
 Macintosh name = Cafe 7.0F        Short name=!Cafe_7.0F

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012