Macintosh LC Apple IIe Card version 1.0: Software Compatibility

Apple makes no warranty or representation, either expressed or implied, with
respect to this list, its quality, accuracy, or fitness for a particular
purpose. In no event will Apple be liable for direct, indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any defect or inaccuracy in
this list. Please contact the developer for current compatibility information.

Mention in this list does not constitute an endorsement by Apple Computer,
Inc. Third-party product information is provided for compatibility reasons

Please contact your dealer or the software developer if you have any
questions. They can help you identify the newest version of a particular
program or tell you how to upgrade your current version if necessary. For best
results, we recommend you use the latest versions of software and hardware
products with your Apple IIe Card for the Macintosh LC.

Title Author
----- ------
1-2-3 Digit Multiplication, 1.0 Microcomputer Workshops
816/Paint,3.1 Baudville
Ace Reporter,1984 Mindplay
Activity Files-Bank Street Writer,1984 Scholastic
Addition Logician,1984 MECC
Agents of Infection,1986 Prentice-Hall
An Experience w/ AI,4/27/87 Scholastic
Alge-Blaster,1985 Davidson & Associates
Algebra Curr Pk Vols 1 - 6, 1985 Britannica Software-EduWare
Alice in Wonderland,1986 HRM Software
All about Circulation,1980 Micro Power and Light
Alligator Alley,1984 DLM
Alphabet Recognition,1986 Micro Power and Light
Amer. Hist, Ach. I:PreColumb-1860,1.3 Microcomputer Workshops
American Indians,1984 Right On Programs
Animal Kingdom,1986 Unicorn Software
Animal Photo Fun,1985 SRA
Animate,1986 Broderbund
Apple Access II,1.1 Apple Computer, Inc.
Apple at Work 40-col,1984 Apple Computer, Inc.
Apple at Work 80-col,1984 Apple Computer, Inc.
Apple Co-Pilot,1982 Apple Computer, Inc.
ED Classics w/ Shell Games,1984 Apple Computer, Inc.
Apple II Business Graphics,1981 Apple Computer, Inc.
Apple II Instant Pascal,1.5 Apple Computer, Inc.
Set to monochrome monitor.
Apple II Pascal,1.3 Apple Computer, Inc.
Apple II System Utilities,3.2 Apple Computer, Inc.
Apple IIe: An Introduction,1984 Apple Computer, Inc.
Apple IIe: Inside Story,1984 Apple Computer, Inc.
Apple Logo,1982 Apple Computer, Inc.
Apple Pres Getting Down to BASIC,1986 Apple Computer, Inc.
Apple SuperPILOT,1982 Apple Computer, Inc.
Apple SuperPilot Log,1982 Apple Computer, Inc.
Apple Term //,1.5 Apple Computer, Inc.
Apple Writer II,2.1 Apple Computer, Inc.
AppleWorks,3.0 Claris
AppleWorks,2.1 Apple Computer, Inc.
AppleWorks Mailing Program,1.3 International Apple Core
ASCII Express,4.30P United Software Industries
ASCII Express MouseTalk,v 1.5 United Software Industries
Audubon Wildlife Adventures,1988 Advanced Ideas
Award Maker Plus,23621/236 Baudville
Bake & Taste,1986 MindPlay
Cannot run at Fast speed.
Bank Street School Filer,1986/87 Sunburst
Bank Street Writer III,1986,1.3 Scholastic
3.5" on external UniDisk Drive
(due to copy protection).
Bank Street Writer Plus2.6 Broderbund
3.5" on external UniDisk Drive
(due to copy protection).
Bard's Tale,v1985 Electronic Arts
Basic Programming with ProDOS,1983 Apple Computer, Inc.
Biomes,1986 D.C.Heath/William K.Bradford
Blazing Paddles,04441A Baudville
Blockers & Finders:Conjecture & Proof Sunburst
BluePrint for Decision making,1985 MCE, Inc.
Body Awareness,1983 Mindscape
Body Awareness Res. Nwk. (BARN),1985 Learning Multi-Systems
Brainz-Gamz,1985 Bainum Dunbar
Brick by Brick: Level 1 & 4,1985 Hartley Courseware
Building Memory skills,1987 MCE, Inc.
Bumble Games,1.5 Learning Company (The)
Business Education Package I,1980 Micro Learningware
California Games,1987 EPYX
Calliope 128,1986 Innovision
Capitalization,06.03.86 Hartley Courseware
Car Builder,1985 Weekly Reader / Optimum Resource
Card & Party Shop,1986 Walt Disney Computer Software
Certificate Library - VOL.1,1986 Springboard
Certificate Maker,1986 Springboard
Joystick is sensitive,
works faster than on IIe.
Better to use Keyboard.
Certificates and More,1988 Mindscape
Charlie Brown's ABC'S,1984 Random House
Charlotte's Web,1987 Sunburst
Children's Writing & Pub. Center,1.1 Learning Company (The)
Choplifter/David's Midnight Magic,1981 Broderbund
Choplifter will not boot
(due to hardware specific copy
protection). David's Midnight
Magic works fine.
Chuck Yeager's Adv. Flt Trainer,1987 Electronic Arts
Circus Math,1984 MECC
Class Spreadsheet,1987 J. Weston Walch
Classmaster Grade Assistant,1988 A.U. Software
Clock Works,1.0 MECC
Clue In,1984 American Language Academy
Color Me: Computer Color Kit,1985 Mindscape
Will not boot if the Option panel
is set for Fast Mode.
Comic Strip Maker,1986 Walt Disney Computer Software
Computer Math Games: Vol 1,1982 Addison Wesley
Conquering Decimals (+,-),1.0 MECC
Conquering Decimals (x,/),1.0 MECC
Copy II Plus 8.2, 9.0 Central Point Software
Cotton Tales Intro to Word Proc.,1987 MindPlay
Cotton's First Files,1989 MindPlay
Counting Critters,1985 MECC
Course Master: Anatomy,1986 Compu-Tations Quality Software
Create a Calenda,1987 EPYX
Create with Garfield,1987 SRA
Creative Contraptions,1985 Bantam
Creature Creator,1983 Britannica Software - DesignWare
Crosscountry Calf.: School Edition,1987 Didatech Software
CrossWord Magic,4.0 Mindscape
CrossWord Magic Puzzle Disks,1987 Mindscape
CryptoCube,1983 Britannica Software - DesignWare
CSL Marks,1.8 Chancery Software, Ltd.
Curious George Goes Shopping,1989 SRA
Curious George in Outer Space,1989 SRA
Curious George visits Library SRA
Customized Number Basics,1983 Merit Audio Visual
Dazzle Draw,1.2 Broderbund
Decisions,Decisions,Colonization,1986 Tom Snyder Productions
Designasaurus,1987 Britannica Software - DesignWare
Diascriptive Language Arts Dev.,1988 Educational Activities
Dinosaur Days,1984 Teach Yourself by Computer
Dinosaur Division,1986 Continental Press / Puzzle Works
Dinosaurs,1984 Advanced Ideas
Dinosaurs Are Forever1.0,1988 Polarware
Discovery Lab,1.0 MECC
DOS 3.3 System Master,1980 Apple Computer, Inc.
DOS Programmer's Toolkit ,7/12/83 Apple Computer, Inc.
Dr. Seuss Mix-up Puzzler,1985 Mindscape
Drug Alert!,1987 Learning Well
Early Games for Young Children,1985 Springboard
Easy as ABC,1985 Springboard
Easy Graph,1984 Grolier Electronic Publishing
Easy Street,1988 Mindplay
Run at Normal speed only.
Elect. Crayon-This Land is Your Land Polarware
ESL Picture Grammar,1984 Gessler Educational Software
European Nations & Locations,1985 Britannica Software - DesignWare
Explore-A-Science - Tyrannosaurus Rex D.C. Heath / William K. Bradford
Exploring Apple Logo,1984 Apple Computer, Inc.
Exploring Heat Through Less.&Labs,1985 D.C. Heath / William K. Bradford
F-15 Strike Eagle 1.0 MicroProse
Run in fast mode to get
best performance.
Facemaker - Golden Edition 1.0,1986 Spinnaker
Factory, The,1985 Sunburst
Family Life Series 1.2,1988 Little Shaver Software
Fantavision,1987 Broderbund
Fay: That Math Woman,1983 Didatech Software
Fay: The Word Hunter,1983 Didatech Software
First Letter Fun,1.1 MECC
Fish Scales 1.0,1985 SRA
Fitness - A State of Body & Mind,1985 Marshmedia
FlashCalc,1.0 VisiCorp
Flights into Fiction:Fairy Tales,1986 Focus Media
Fraction Concepts Inc,1.1 MECC
Fraction Munchers,1.0 MECC
FrEdWriter,4.4 CUE Software
Friendly Filer,1984 Grolier Electronic Publishing
Prints fine to direct connect
printer but not with Appletalk
connected (same on IIe).
Game Show, The,1986 Advanced Ideas
Works if the clock card is
removed. Same on IIe.
Garfield Trivia Game,1989 SRA
Geography: Our Country
& Our World,1988 Scott Foresman and Co
Geo. Search - The Search Series,1981 McGraw-Hill
Geo. Search - The Search Series,1982 McGraw-Hill
Geometric preSupposer,1986 Sunburst
GEOS,1988 Berkeley Softworks
GeoWhiz,1988 Silver Burdett and Ginn
GeoWorld,1986 Tom Snyder Productions
German Grammar Computerized I 1.1,1984 Lingo Fun
Gertrude's Puzzles,1984 Learning Company (The)
Gertrude's Secrets 1.3 Learning Company (The)
Better at Fast Speed.
Giant First-Start:The Goofy Ghost,1985 Troll Associates
Gnee or Not Gnee,1985 Sunburst
Go Fish!,1987 HRM Software
Golden Spike, The,1987 National Geographic Society
Grab-a-Cab,1988 Silver Burdett and Ginn
Gradebook Plus,1990 E.M.A. Software
Grammar Examiner,1984 Britannica Software - DesignWare
Grammar Gremlins,1986 Davidson & Associates
Grammaze,1984 Scott Foresman and Co
Green Globs & Graphing Equations,1986 Sunburst
Heredity Dog,1983 HRM Software
Hinky Pinky,1985 Mindscape
Home Video Producer,1988 EPYX
Homework Helper Math,1985 Spinnaker
Homework Helper Writing,1985 Spinnaker
Homeworker,v1986 Davidson & Associates
Iggy's Gnees,1986 Sunburst
II Write Random House,v2.01 Random House
Immigrant:Irish Experience in Boston Educational Technology
Incredible Laboratory, The,1986 #1136 Sunburst
Information Focus,1987 Random House
Introductory Mechanics,1981 Conduit
Island of the Blue Dolphins,1986 Sunburst
Jenny's Journeys,1.0 MECC
John Madden Football,1988 Electronic Arts
Karateka,1984 Broderbund
Better set to Fast speed.
Kermit's Electronic Story Maker,1985 Simon and Schuster
Kids on Keys,2.0 Spinnaker
Kidwriter,1984 Spinnaker
Knowledge Master: Am. Hist. Series,1987 Academic Hallmarks
Knowledge Master Eng.Series:Eng.I,1982 Academic Hallmarks
Lang. Arts Seq: Alphabetization,1980 Milliken Publishing
Language Carnival 1,1988 DLM
Better set to Fast speed.
Learn About Animals,1989 Sunburst
Learn About Plants,1990 Sunburst
Learning Library - Vol 1,1988 Hi-Tech Expressions
Better set to Fast speed.
Letter-Go-Round,1988 Hi-Tech Expressions
Lode Runner1983 Broderbund
Logo Works: Lessons in Logo,1985 Terrapin
LogoWriter,2.03 Logo Computer Systems
Money & Time Adventures,1984 Society for Visual Education
School Library Adventures,1987 Society for Visual Education
Lunar Greenhouse,1.0 MECC
M-SS-NG L-NKS: Classics Sunburst
Magic Slate 1.4,1984 Sunburst
Magic Slate Typestyles 40/80,1987 Sunburst
Magic Spellsv2.1 Learning Company (The)
Marine Life Series: Anatomy-Shark,1986 Ventura Educational Systems
Better set to Fast speed.
Market Place,v1.0 MECC
Mastering Math Diagnostic System,1985 MECC
Mastering Math Worksheet Generator,1985 MECC
Mastering the Parts of Speech,1982 Society for Visual Education (SVE)
MasterType,2.1 Mindscape
Math Blaster!1983,1989 Davidson & Associates
Math Blaster Mystery!,1.0 Davidson & Associates
Better set to Fast speed.
Math Blaster Plus,3.7 Davidson & Associates
Math Football,1985 Gamco
Math Man,1984 Scholastic
Better set to Fast speed.
Math Masters Add/Sub,1988 SRA
Can't have memory card installed
(same on IIe).
Math Masters Mult/Div,1988 SRA
Can't have memory card installed
(same on IIe).
Math Rabbit,1.2 Learning Company (The)
Math Shop,1986 Scholastic
Mathematics Prob Solv. CW Level 8,1.0 McGraw-Hill
Mathematics Prob Solv. Level 3&7, 1.0 Addison Wesley
Mathematics Skills Levels 1 - 8 1.0 Addison Wesley
It only prints to Parallel port,
and the LC only has a serial port.
MECC Dataquest Composer,1986 MECC
MECC Dataquest:The Fifty States,1986 MECC
MECC Grade Manager,1983 MECC
Grade Manager uses some type of
copy protection that doesn't
work with the IIe card and IIe
startup software.
MECC Graph 1.1,1985 MECC
Mickey's Space Adventure,1984 Walt Disney Computer Software
Micro Gardener, The,1983 Educational Activities
Microorganism Simulator,1986 Focus Media
MicroType - The world of PAWS,1.0 SouthWestern Publishing
Microzine #10,1985 Scholastic
Microzine #16:,1986 Scholastic
Microzine JR. #2,1988 Scholastic
Microzine JR. #3,983 Scholastic
Milliken Word Processor,1984 Milliken Publishing
Run at Normal speed. Will not
boot if set to Fast speed.
Miner's Cave,1.0 MECC
Will not work with clock card
Money! Money !,1984-1986 Hartley Courseware
Money Squares3.1.5,1985 Gamco Industries
Money Works,1.1 MECC
MonkeyNews,1984 Artworx Software
Monsters and Make-Believe1.1,1987 Pelican Software
Moptown Hotel,1985 Learning Company (The)
Mouse Desk,1.5 Apple Computer, Inc.
MousePaint 1.2,1986 Apple Computer, Inc
MouseWrite,1986 Roger Wagner Publishing
Multiple Choices,1989 Mindscape
MultiScribe, 3.0 StyleWare
Muppet Word Book,1986 Sunburst
Music Construction Set,1983 Electronic Arts
Mystery Matter,1.0 MECC
Mystery Objects,1.0 MECC
Newsroom,1984 Springboard
NewsWorks IV,1989 Newsweek Data for AppleWorks.
NoteCard Maker,1985 Grolier Electronic Publishing Direct
Number Munchers,v1.0 MECC
Nutrition - A Balenced Diet,1982 EME
Odell Lake:,1980 MECC
Oh, Deer!,1983 MECC
Once Upon a Time I,1987 Compu-Teach
Operation: Frog,1984 Scholastic
The mouse has problems moving
sometimes. The pointer often
moves in the left hand corner.
Orbit II,1983 Vernier Software
Oregon Trail,1986 MECC
Other Side, The,1986 Tom Snyder Productions
Paint With Words,1.3 MECC
Patterns,1.0 MECC
Periodic Law,1987 EME
PFS: Write,1985 Scholastic
Picture It With Words,1986 Micro Learningware
Pinball Construction Set,v1984 Electronic Arts
Pinball Math,1984 Electronic Courseware Systems
PinPoint,v2.0.2 PinPoint Publishing
Planetary Guide, The,1981 Educational Images, Ltd.
Playroom, The,1.0 Broderbund
Point-To-Point,3.0 WordPerfect Corporation
Pollute - A simu. of Water Poll.,1983 DEE-Diversified Educational
Pond - Strategies in Prob. Solv.,1984 Sunburst
Better set to Fast speed.
Potato Factory,1983 Microcomputer Workshops / Queue
Print Magic,1987 EPYX
Print Shop Companion,? Broderbund Data for Print Shop
Print Shop, The,1986 Broderbund
Problem Solving Solutions,1.3 MECC
ProTERM,2.01 Checkmate Technology
Publish It!,1987 Timeworks
Use monochrome monitor or switch
to monochrome mode on a color
display. Also, when you create
a picture frame and IMPORT PICTURE,
as the screen loads it may appear
messed up. But if you move the
picture frame around or exit to the
Option Panel and return,the screen
will clear.
Puzzle Tanks:
A Game of Numbers & Logic,1984 Sunburst
Quest for Files: Social Studies,1987 Mindscape
Quicken,1987 Intuit
Quotient Quest,1.0 MECC
Read 'n Roll,1.0 Davidson & Associates
Rd., Wr., & Pub. - Grades 5 & 8 D.C. Heath / William K. Bradford
Reader Rabbit 1.4 Learning Company (The)
Reading & Writing Connections,12.12.86 Hartley Courseware
Report Card II,2.0e Sensible Software
Return of the Dinosaurs,1988 American Educational Computer
Rocky's Boots,4.1 Learning Company (The)
Mouse and Joystick conflict.
Same on IIe. Remove joystick to
use mouse. Otherwise, mouse will
appear erratic.
Sargon III,1983 Spinnaker
The Human Body-An Overview,1984 BrainBank
Science Software,1985 Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich
Science Square-Off,1986 Scott Foresman and Co
Science Square-Off:Earth Science,1989 Scott Foresman and Co
Science Square-Off:Life Science,1989 Scott Foresman and Co
Science Sqr.-Off:Physical Science,1989 Scott Foresman and Co
Science Toolkit Master Module,1.0 & 2.0 Broderbund
Science Tk Mod 1: Speed and Motion,1.0 Broderbund
Science Tk Mod 2: Earthquake Lab,1.0 Broderbund
Science Tk Mod 3: Body Lab,1.0 Broderbund
Scoop Mahoney,1988 SRA
Sensible Speller,1Y Sensible Software
Seven Cities of Gold,1984 Electronic Arts
Many Video and speed problems.
Often accessing disk at the same
time as drawing the screen slows
down the program considerably.
Shakespeare,06.04.86 Hartley Courseware
Sherlock Holmes in "Another Bow",1985 Bantam
Runs slightly slower than IIe
even at Fast speed.
Signs & Symbols,1988 MCE, Inc.
Slide Shop 1.1,1988 Scholastic
Sound is distorted on the LC when
playing back a sound file.
Smart Eyes 1.0,1985 Addison Wesley
Snoopy Writer,1985 Random House
Sound Ideas: Consonants,1986 Houghton Mifflin
Sound Ideas: Vowels,1986 Houghton Mifflin
Sound Ideas: Word Attack,1987 Houghton Mifflin
Space Commander: States and Capitals Gamco
SpaceLace,1987 Great Wave Software
Speed Reader II,1983 Davidson & Associates
Spell It,1984 Davidson & Associates
Spellevator, 1.2 MECC
Spellicopter,1983 Britannica Software - DesignWare
Spelling Press,1.1 MECC
Spelling Series Toolkit,1.0 MECC
Spelling Workout,1.1 MECC
States & Traits,1984 Britannica Software - DesignWare
Stepping Stones Level I,1987 Compu-Teach
Stickybear ABC,1986 Weekly Reader / Optimum Resource
Stickybear Drawing,1986 Weekly Reader / Optimum Resource
Stickybear Math,1984 Weekly Reader / Optimum Resource
Stickybear Numbers,1987 Weekly Reader / Optimum Resource
Stickybear Reading Comprehension,1985 Weekly Reader / Optimum Resource
Stickybear Shapes,1989 Weekly Reader / Optimum Resource
Stickybear Spellgrabber,1984 Weekly Reader / Optimum Resource
Stickybear Town Builder,1984 Weekly Reader / Optimum Resource
Stickybear Typing,1986 Weekly Reader / Optimum Resource
Hangs on the Title Screen when booting.
Story Tree,1984 Scholastic
Subtraction Puzzles,1.0 MECC
Summer Games,1984 EPYX
Better set to Fast speed.
Summer Games II,1985 EPYX
Better set to Fast speed.
Super Factory,1986 Sunburst
Supercat,1984 Zephyr Services
SuperPrint!,1.2 Scholastic
Better to use Keyboard or Joystick
control as Mouse is very sensitive
(same on IIe but less apparent).
SuperPrint Graphics Pack I,1.2 Scholastic
SuperPrint II,1.0 Scholastic
Symbol-Picture Logic VOL.1 & 2,1986 CAE Software
Teacher's ToolKit, The,1987 HI TECH of Santa Cruz
Teachers' Management Program,3.2 American Language Academy
Teasers by Tobbs:Puzz.&Prob.Solv.,1982 Sunburst
Terrapin Logo Language,1985 Terrapin
The Apple at Play,1984 Apple Computer, Inc.
The Apple at Work,1986 Apple Computer, Inc.
Think Tank,1.10 Living Videotext
Those Amazing Reading Machines MECC
Three Little Pigs,1989 D.C. Heath / William K. Bradford
Must use external 3.5 UniDisk
drive (copy protected)
Ticket to Paris,1986 Blue Lion Software
Time Tunl.: Am. Hist. Series 1,1983 Focus Media
Time Tunl.: Euro. Hist. Series,1985 Focus Media
Time Tunl: The America Series,1985 Focus Media
TimeLiner,1986 Tom Snyder Productions
TimeLiner Data Disk: The Arts 1.0,1986 Tom Snyder Productions
TimeOut DeskTools II,2.1 WordPerfect Corporation
TimeOut FileMaster,2.1 WordPerfect Corporation
TimeOut Graph,2.1 WordPerfect Corporation
TimeOut QuickSpell,2.1 WordPerfect Corporation
TimeOut SideSpread,2.1 WordPerfect Corporation
TimeOut Superfonts,1987 WordPerfect Corporation
TimeOut Thesaurus,2.1 WordPerfect Corporation
TimeOut UltraMacros,2.0 WordPerfect Corporation
Tonk in the Land of Buddy-Bots,1986 Mindscape
Top Reader's Club,1989 Micrograms
Touch 'n Write,1986 Sunburst
Touch Window,? Edmark
Hardware - attaches to the
joystick port.
Type!,1986 Broderbund
Typing Tutor III w/
Letter Invaders,1984 Simon and Schuster
Typing Tutor IV,1987 Simon and Schuster
Use a B&W monitor or set to B&W mode.
U.S. Constitution Then & Now,1987 Scholastic
Ultima V-Warriors of Destiny,1988 Origin Systems
VisiCalc,1981 Personal Software, Inc.
Vocabulary Adv. II: The Labryrinth,1985 Intellectual Software
Vocabulary Word Builder,1983 American Educational Computer
Voyage of the Mimi,1985 Holt Rinehart and Winston
Use later version, copy protection
problem in this version.
Wall Street On-Line: An Investment
Simulation for the Classroom,1986 J. Weston Walch
Weather Analyst, The,1980 Climate Assessment Technology
Westward Ho!,1988 McGraw-Hill
Where in Europe Is Carmen Sandiego,1.3 Broderbund
Where in the USA Is Carmen Sandiego,1986 Broderbund
Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego,1990 Broderbund
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego,1989 Broderbund
Who Am I?,v1986 Focus Media
Do not set Type Ahead "On".
Will lock up program. Same as IIGS.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit,1.0 Buena Vista Software
Better set to Fast speed.
Wild West Math,1990 Micrograms
Word Attack!,1983 Davidson & Associates
Word Attack Plus-Spanish,1984 Davidson & Associates
Word Blaster,1982 Random House
Do not turn Type Ahead "On".
Will lock up game. Same as IIGS.
Word Munchers,1985 MECC
Wordbench,1988 Addison Wesley
WordPerfect,2.1e WordPerfect Corporation
Wordwise - Analogies/Astroquotes,1983 Program Design International/Queue
World Geography,1990 BOBCO
Writer Rabbit,1986 Learning Company (The)
Writer's Helper,1985 Conduit
Zoyon Patrol,1.0 MECC

Article Change History:
26 July 1993 - Company title changed from DLM to SRA (Science Research
19 January 1993 - Updated, Beagle Brothers now WordPerfect Corporation.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012