Mac OS X: How to Export a Directory to a Subnet

This document explains how to export a directory to a specific subnet using NFS. This technique restricts access to an NFS export to computers that are in a specified subnet. It can also be used to export more than one directory when exporting to clients or netgroups is not a viable option.
How to Export a Directory to a Subnet

1. Create a new directory inside "/" directory using NetInfoManger and name it "exports". All of the exported directories are configured from within the new directory.

2. Create a new directory for the directory you want exported inside /exports.

3. Create a new property in /Applications.
4. Select opts

5. Choose New Value from the Directory menu.

6. Change the value to

7. Choose New Value from the Directory menu.

8. Change the value to

If a directory needs to be exported to more than one subnet, use network= and mask= This exports the directory to the entire 192 network.

The final /Applications directory should look similar to figure 2.

Figure 2 Final /Applications directory

Important: You must restart the computer for any changes that are made to the exports directory in NetInfoManager to take effect.

How to Export the Same Directory to Multiple Subnets

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012