WebObjects 5: How to Configure an Oracle Stored Procedure With EOModeler

This document explains how to configure an Oracle stored procedure with EOModeler and highlights the differences going from WebObjects 4.5 to WebObjects 5.
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The Oracle Adaptor in WebObjects 4.5 passed stored procedure arguments by name. However, WebObjects 5 uses the JDBC API, which passes stored procedure arguments by order. The JDBC Adaptor uses the alphabetical order of the "columnName" of the arguments in the EOStoredProcedure to define the order of the arguments for the stored procedure call.

The "column" name is relevant here, not the name shown in the "Name" field of EOModeler. Use the EOModeler inspector to look at the "column" name of each parameter, or use the "Add Column" command at the bottom of EOModeler to add the "column" to the display.

The EOModeler tool can be used to reverse engineer your stored procedures. By default, EOModeler uses strings of numbers like 001 and 002 for the column names to emphasize the order. If you have an existing model file, you can use the EOModeler "New Updated Model" command to regenerate the model file.

Example 1: The stored procedure has only IN and OUT parameters.

The stored procedure expects three arguments in the following order: username(IN), password (IN), and authId (OUT).

After reverse-engineering, EOModeler automatically assigns a column name like "001" for username, "002" for password, and "003" for authId to show the order of execution for the arguments.

EOModeler displays the following:

Example 2: Your stored procedure expects a result set.

An Oracle stored procedure does not produce a result set in the usual way. Instead, it uses an Oracle-specific REF CURSOR parameter to provide access to results. The JDBC adaptor offers limited support for the Oracle REF CURSOR only as the return value for an Oracle stored function, not as an OUT parameter for an Oracle stored procedure.

To work around this issue, rewrite the Oracle stored procedure as a stored function. In Oracle, the function is created with the SQL command "CREATE FUNCTION" instead of "CREATE PROCEDURE", which is used for procedures.

In EOModeler, the Oracle stored function is modeled in the same way as any stored procedure. The external type of the returnValue parameter should be set to "REF CURSOR", even though this is not in the pop-up list of supported types -- you need to type in "REF CURSOR". Its column name should be "000" (a string of three zeroes) to indicate that it is a return value from the stored function.

Known Issues

Example of a stored function reverse-engineered by EOModeler before any modifications:

Example of the same stored function after modifications:

EOModeler's Inspector showing the column 'returnValue' after modifications:

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012