Data General: Terminal Line Dropped for Macintosh

I have a Macintosh IIci with a 40MB internal CMS drive with 4MB RAM. It
replaces a Data General terminal. It's connected to our terminal line
(DB-25 male) using a female-to-female gender changer and an Apple
IIe/ImageWriter II cable (third-party) connected through the modem port.

Thus, I use my Macintosh part-time to communicate with a Data General
(Versaterm does the DG emulation). Communication works flawlessly, and
everything else is fine until I shut down the Macintosh at the end of the
day. When I turn on the Macintosh in the morning, the DG has disconnected
the line. I have to contact our systems people and have the line
reconnected. Apparently the DG is polling the lines at night and something
is timing out and disconnecting them.

I disconnected the cable from the back of the Macintosh at
night, and everything works fine when I reconnect it in the morning. Note:
People can shut off their terminals at night without the line being
disconnected. However, I don't want to unplug the cable from the Macintosh

every night.

Is the Macintosh doing something out of the ordinary with the serial
ports when the machine is off?

We suspect the cable may have a pin jumpered in it that may be causing this
problem when the mainframe polls the Macintosh in the evening. The
possibility is that pins 6 and 8 (jumpered), which should go to 20 on the
DG, may be pulled down signal-wise and responding as if the connection is
gone. This closes the line for security at the mainframe.

When the cable is disconnected from the Macintosh, those signals are
cancelled, because there is not a continuous loop inside the serial port
and the mainframe can tell that. When the cable is connected, it goes
through the serial port and incorrect cabling may respond as if the
connection has dropped.

We suggest you verify that the cable you are using is the correct
configuration and not having any extra pins jumpered inside. When the
Macintosh is off, nothing happens with the serial port (no power, no

We cannot tell you if there is a way to have the mainframe discontinue the
polling overnight. That may be one workaround besides verification of the

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012