PrintServer: Length Limit on Device/Zone Names

My Macintosh II is in a zone (Advertising/Professional Computers Zone) that
is separated from the rest of our network by a bridge. The PrintServer
captures the printer with no problems. I can see the PrintServer listed in
the Chooser, and I can select the PrintServer, but when I try to print, it
says "LaserWriter ÃPrintServer╚ could not be found..."

Your zone name may be your problem.

The Chooser supports a maximum of 31 characters for a device or zone name,
and your name is 34 characters. When the additional device names are
appended to the data packet to make a complete address string, the string
gets truncated by a lower-level AppleTalk routine. At that point, the name
string doesn't match the actual address, and a search for that device

Shorten the zone name to something under 30 characters. Also check device
names to verify that they, too, are under 30 characters.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012