MultiFinder: Why System Memory Fluctuates

Why does the amount of memory used by the System constantly change under
MultiFinder or System 7? In the "About This Macintosh..." window, the
System size and Largest Unused Block size fluctuate.

This happens because of the event-driven operating system. As various
events occur, the System may need to load or unload resources through RAM
to take care of them. Because events happen all the time--even when the
Macintosh seems to be idle--RAM allocation varies all the time.

You see this fluctuation under System 7 or MultiFinder and not under just
the Finder (pre-System 7) because of the dynamic RAM allocation. Under
Finder, all RAM allocation is fixed, whereas in MultiFinder and System 7 a
given application or resource can request or free up RAM.

Article Change History:
13 Sep 1995 - Reviewed for technical accuracy.
09 Sep 1992 - Revised with additional information.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012