Macintosh: Troubleshooting a "System Error ID=01" Message

My setup is a:

- Macintosh IIci; 80MB hard disk; 8MB RAM
- Radius TP color display
- Scanner
- External HD
- Tape Backup
- System Software 6.0.4

When I attempt to start up from the internal hard disk, a "System Error
ID=01" message appears and the system will not start up. The system will
start up from a disk copy of the System. Reinstalling the System to the
internal HD has not worked.

ID=01 is a bus error.

First, use Find File or a similar tool to verify that there is only one
System file on the hard drive. Next, remove all non-Apple files from the
System folder and restart. If this does not fix the problem, you may have a
hardware problem. Try a different hard drive first, and then try a
different logic board.

The other thing that could be causing the problem is the video card for
your Radius display. Try replacing the Radius with an Apple video card and

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012